Pineapple is a tropical fruit commonly enjoyed for its health benefits due to its high content of vitamin C and vitamin B1.
Pineapple is a familiar fruit in tropical countries and is beneficial for sleep because it contains a significant amount of melatonin, even more than cherries. Other studies have shown that consuming pineapple increases the sleep hormone in the body significantly.
In a clinical study conducted in 2013, scientists found that healthy volunteers increased their melatonin levels by 266% after regularly consuming pineapple.
Pineapple is a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals.
Pineapple also facilitates digestion and prevents nighttime stomach aches. This benefit largely comes from bromelain, an important enzyme that helps treat constipation, digestive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and other inflammatory conditions.
Additionally, pineapple is known as a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, A, K, B6, manganese, thiamine, choline, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium, along with several volatile compounds that give it its distinctive flavor. A scientific study discovered that pineapple juice contains at least 30 nutrients and bioactive compounds, including sugars, polyphenols, and organic acids (mainly citric and L-malic acids).
Although relatively low in calories, a serving of pineapple provides up to 131% of the daily value of antioxidant vitamin C. This makes it an excellent nutrient source for boosting immunity and alleviating symptoms of cough, colds, and flu.
According to research, fermented pineapple juice becomes an alcoholic beverage that is very effective for cooling down and reducing fever in sick individuals. Pineapple juice is also used externally to dissolve warts, relieve pain, reduce stress, and speed up wound healing.
Pineapple juice is great for reducing fever in sick people.
The pineapple fruit contains a large amount of natural acids (citric, malic, and tartaric) and bromelain enzyme. According to many studies, bromelain has effective anti-edema and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, bromelain is an enzyme that hydrolyzes proteins into amino acids in fish and meat, thereby promoting digestion and caloric breakdown in the body, making this fruit highly suitable for those looking to lose weight.
However, there are some considerations for individuals allergic to this fruit. Many people can develop rashes from contact with pineapple sap. The best practice is to wear gloves while harvesting or peeling.
Unripe pineapples can also be very dangerous as they contain toxins, leading to throat irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea. Many individuals may experience swelling or a burning sensation in their lips and tongue due to the presence of bromelain in pineapple, which has skin-softening properties.
Health experts recommend consuming pineapple in moderation, about 1-2 fruits per week, to ensure health benefits.
Minimize or ideally avoid eating pineapple before meals.
Consuming too much pineapple core can lead to the formation of fiber clumps in the intestines. Some individuals may even face allergic reactions, hives, poor interactions with medication, low blood pressure, severe abdominal pain, and more.
Therefore, while pineapple offers many health benefits, it is essential to consume this fruit wisely. Typically, an adult should eat a maximum of 2 pineapples per week, and the best time to eat is after meals to aid digestion.
It is also advisable not to eat damaged pineapples, to remove all eyes from the fruit, and to rub enough salt to reduce the burning sensation on the tongue while eating. Particularly, one should minimize or even avoid eating pineapple before meals as it can irritate the mucous membranes, causing stomach pain and other health issues.
Important Considerations
Pineapple contains oxalic acid, which can harm the stomach if consumed in excess, so it should be eaten in moderation and after meals. Additionally, individuals with low blood pressure and those who are pregnant (preparing to give birth) should eat pineapple sparingly. Those who are sensitive to cold or have weak constitutions should also not consume too much pineapple.
Before eating, it is advisable to wash pineapple with salt water to remove glucosides and proteases that may irritate the stomach. It is especially important not to combine pineapple with chicken when cooking to avoid digestive issues.