The following simple tricks can help alleviate the frustrating issue of “entering the address this year, the website only appears next year” on your PC. You can go to Start > Run, type Gpedit.msc > Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network Branch > QoS Packet Scheduler, double-click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth, select Enable, and lower the value in the Bandwidth limit % to 0, then click OK and restart your computer.
Eliminate Unwanted Screensavers
Every PC comes with pre-installed screensavers. If you’re not a fan of the “bonus” from Windows, you can remove these screensavers by going to My Computer > open drive C, select Search > All Files and Folders, type *.scr in the All or part of the file name box, and press Enter. A list of screensavers will be displayed, and all you need to do is select and delete them.
Improve Your Computer’s Processing Speed
When Windows XP runs on a low-spec PC, it can be incredibly frustrating when the computer frequently malfunctions or “crashes mid-use.” One trick to temporarily salvage the situation is to disable some of XP’s effects during operation. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance, choose “Adjust for best performance“, and click OK.
Prevent Standby When Closing the Laptop
Whenever you close your laptop, Windows XP will automatically put the computer into Standby or Hibernation mode. While this feature is very convenient in some situations, it can also be annoying, especially if you are just stepping away from your machine for a moment. To avoid having to reboot your laptop after coming out of Standby, follow these steps: go to Start > Control Panel > Power Options > select the Advanced tab, and in the section “When I close the lid of my portable computer“, select Do nothing, then click OK to save the changes.
Cánh Cam