Across the world, there are exceptional individuals with outstanding intelligence quotients, like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. However, throughout history, many others have recorded IQs higher than these two renowned scientists. Let’s explore some of the smartest people in the world in the article below.
Intelligence is not solely determined by innate factors but also develops over time in appropriate environments. Therefore, some individuals are born intelligent, while others become “intelligent over time.” Below are the 10 highest IQ scores ever recorded in the world.
What is IQ?
IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a numerical trait used to assess an individual’s intelligence. The term IQ in English is an abbreviation for “Intelligent Quotient.” Individuals with high IQs have the ability to manipulate, process, and analyze information at a more profound level and at a faster speed than the average person.
10. Stephen Hawking – IQ 160
Stephen Hawking was a famous British physicist known for his presence in numerous popular science books, especially “A Brief History of Time,” published in 1988. In this book, he describes his explorations in the field of theoretical physics, including the development of the “Big Bang” theory of the universe.
“A Brief History of Time” became one of the best-selling books worldwide, with 10 million copies sold. It helped elevate Stephen Hawking’s name and contributions to theoretical physics, triggering a revolution in humanity’s understanding of the field.
9. Albert Einstein – IQ 160-190
The exact IQ of genius scientist Albert Einstein has not been definitively established, as he never took standardized tests. However, experts estimate his IQ to be between 160 and 190.
Born in 1879 in Germany, Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, one of the two foundational theories of modern physics.
He also contributed to the development of nuclear fission, which later led to mixed feelings when it was applied in nuclear weapons, especially the atomic bomb.
Albert Einstein passed away in 1955 due to an aortic aneurysm.
8. Judit Polgar – IQ 170
Chess is clearly a game that requires immense intellectual strength. Naturally gifted chess players often have high IQs, and many of the world’s smartest individuals are drawn to this classic yet respected sport.
Judit Polgar is recognized as the greatest female chess player of all time, having achieved grandmaster status at just over 15 years old, making her the youngest grandmaster at that time.
She was also one of the first female grandmasters in the chess world and the first woman to defeat the world number one grandmaster, Garry Kasparov. Today, she continues to maintain her form with numerous consecutive victories.
7. Leonardo da Vinci – IQ 180-190
Similar to Albert Einstein, experts have struggled to provide an exact IQ score for Leonardo da Vinci due to the limitations of IQ testing methods in his era. However, based on historical documents and his talents across various fields, particularly painting, experts speculate that his IQ could range from 180 to 190. Given his vast legacy, his IQ certainly deserves a high ranking.
Leonardo da Vinci is often regarded as one of the first polymaths of the world (an expert in various fields) and epitomizes the concept of a “Renaissance Man.” Not only was he an expert in painting and sculpture, but he also excelled in music, mathematics, engineering, geology, cartography, and literature.
6. Marilyn Vos Savant – IQ 190
Marilyn Vos Savant was born in 1946 and only gained fame in her middle age when she was recognized by the Guinness World Records in 1980 as having the “highest IQ.” At that time, her IQ score of 190 was the highest ever recorded.
After being listed in the Guinness records, Marilyn Vos Savant became a famous author with her books “Ask Marilyn” and “Annie’s Mailbox,” where people could send questions to her and receive answers.
5. Garry Kasparov – IQ 194
Garry Kasparov is a Russian chess grandmaster regarded as the greatest chess player of all time. From the start of his professional chess career in 1986 to 2005, Kasparov consistently held the top ranking and was the undefeated world chess champion from 1985 to 1993.
His talent in chess made him famous not only in Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) but also globally. Additionally, Garry Kasparov is well-known for his political activities, most notably his opposition against IBM’s Deep Blue computer and his political activism against Vladimir Putin’s government in Russia.
Experts have measured Garry Kasparov’s IQ at 194, one of the highest scores ever recorded. He is currently retired and serves on the board of the Human Rights Foundation.
4. Kim Ung-Yong – IQ 210
Kim Ung-Yong is considered quite intriguing for the unconventional path he chose rather than the accolades he received.
Born in South Korea in 1963, he could speak at just six months old and could read English, German, Korean, and Japanese by the age of three.
After his prodigious talent became public, he moved to the U.S. to study and worked for NASA for over ten years. However, disillusioned with life at NASA, he returned to South Korea to become a teacher, a role he continues to this day.
Thus, after a life of fame and intellectual contributions, he chose to live a more ordinary and less attention-seeking life.
3. Christopher Hirata – IQ 225
Christopher Hirata is a prodigy who became the youngest American to win a gold medal at the International Physics Olympiad in 1996 at the age of 13.
He enrolled at the California Institute of Technology at 14 and went on to earn his Ph.D. from Princeton University at 22.
After obtaining his doctorate, Hirata returned to teach astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology, where he remains today.
2. Terence Tao – IQ 225-230
Terence Tao is a renowned Australian mathematician and a prodigy from a very young age. Tao’s parents are Hong Kong immigrants who moved to Australia.
Tao specializes in research on harmonic analysis, additive combinatorics, and various other fields of mathematics.
He was a co-recipient of the Fields Medal in 2006, an award that honors excellence and innovation in mathematics for individuals under the age of 40.
Currently, he teaches at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the United States.
1. William James Sidis – IQ 250 – 300
The exact IQ of William James Sidis has never been accurately determined. Experts estimate his IQ to be between 250 and 300, indicating that he had the highest IQ score in history.
So why do experts rate Sidis’s IQ so highly?
William James Sidis was born in 1898 and began studying mathematics at Harvard University at the age of 11, making him the youngest person ever to enroll in the most prestigious university in the United States and the world at that time.
After completing his research program, he began teaching, but older students could not accept being educated by someone they viewed as a boy.
In fact, due to his “rapid learning“, he was shunned by others in society and even by his peers.
The remainder of his life was marred by legal troubles after he became involved in socialist movements. Moreover, due to these issues, he was placed in a mental institution by his own parents to alter his political views.
After his release in 1921, this genius decided to sever ties with mathematics and research institutions to lead a relatively normal life.
He passed away at the age of 46 due to a cerebral hemorrhage.