Although eating eggs is very beneficial, consuming them incorrectly can not only lead to a loss of nutrients but also harm your health.
Foods to Avoid Immediately After Eating Eggs
Eggs are not only a source of high-quality protein (providing all 9 essential amino acids) but are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, choline, and other antioxidants that help enhance cardiovascular health, build muscle, increase good cholesterol, and reduce triglycerides.
However, like all foods, we need to avoid certain items that may diminish the benefits of eggs or even lead to more serious side effects such as poisoning due to reactions between them.
According to Sohu, here are the top 6 foods you should avoid eating immediately after consuming eggs to prevent any adverse reactions that could lead to food poisoning:
1. White Sugar
Avoid eating eggs and sugar together (Image: Eating Well).
Combining eggs with white sugar can lead to the proteins and amino acids, including lysine, in the eggs forming a mixture with fructose that is hard to digest and absorb, potentially resulting in harmful precipitates.
Similarly, milk containing lactose should not be consumed immediately after eating eggs as it complicates lactose absorption and can lead to indigestion.
2. Pineapple
Pineapple contains a large amount of fruit acid (Image: Cleveland Clinic).
As mentioned earlier, eggs are rich in high-quality protein, while pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which can break down proteins. This combination can easily create difficult-to-dissolve and decompose precipitates, increasing the burden on the digestive system and directly affecting protein absorption, thus reducing the nutritional value of eggs.
3. Soy Milk
Soy milk and eggs are popular breakfast choices for many Vietnamese people. Soy milk is highly nutritious, particularly containing a compound called isoflavones that mimic estrogen and improve health.
Soy milk is a popular choice for breakfast among many Vietnamese (Image: Healthline).
At first glance, this breakfast seems very nutritious; however, soy milk contains a special substance called trypsin, which, when combined with the protein in egg whites, reduces the nutritional value of both foods.
Additionally, the protease compound in soy milk inhibits the protein in eggs and adversely affects digestion.
4. Persimmons
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, persimmons have a cooling property and contain a certain amount of tannic acid, which can affect the absorption of protein (also cooling) present in eggs. In more severe cases, this can lead to problems such as stones, acute gastroenteritis, or food poisoning.
Persimmons have cooling properties (Image: Better Home and Garden).
If food poisoning occurs, you may experience vomiting or diarrhea 1-2 hours after consumption. At this point, it is recommended to use a mixture of diluted salt water or fresh ginger water to induce vomiting.
Similarly, you should avoid drinking tea after eating eggs, as tea is also rich in tannic acid. Drinking it after consuming eggs can react with the proteins, slowing down intestinal motility and increasing the risk of constipation and the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
5. Goose and Rabbit Meat
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, goose and rabbit meat are cooling in nature. Consuming them with eggs can lead to adverse health reactions such as digestive irritation and diarrhea.
6. Garlic
Eating garlic and eggs together can cause indigestion (Image: Eating Well).
Many people enjoy adding garlic when cooking scrambled eggs or eggs in sauce, unaware that combining garlic with eggs can easily lead to bloating, indigestion, and even stomach irritation in individuals with a history of digestive issues.