The world we live in is a beautiful and strange place surrounded by unique species of plants and animals. Many of these species are extremely rare and hard to encounter.
A Collection of Extremely Rare Species of Animals and Plants on Earth
1. Purple Quartz Starling
The Purple Quartz Starling is commonly known as the “plum starling.”
The Purple Quartz Starling is a species native to tropical Africa, and the males are known for their purple and blue plumage with hints of green and brown.
This remarkable bird is worth admiring for its striking amethyst color. The Purple Quartz Starling, also known as “plum starling” or “purple starling.” This species originates from tropical Africa and is recognized for its vibrant purple and blue feathers with subtle shades of green and brown. The feathers resemble a galaxy with iridescent characteristics due to their microstructure. The microstructure of the plumage refracts light like a prism, displaying a chaotic array of colors.
Only males exhibit this striking feature, while females have brown plumage. This peculiar difference between the sexes is attributed to sexual dimorphism, the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics such as size, weight, color, markings, and behavior. In fact, this rare species lives in trees and never comes into contact with the ground.
2. Mycena pura
Mycena pura is also known as ocean mushroom.
Mycena pura, also known as “Pixie’s Parasol,” is a stunning bright teal mushroom. It is a small mushroom found in and around Australia.
Also referred to as ocean mushroom, this species originates from Australia and can be distinguished by extremely tiny features. It includes over 33 species, many of which exhibit bioluminescent traits producing light known as “foxfire.” The official name for the ocean mushroom is Mycena pura or Pixie’s Parasol. It is a small blue-green mushroom with a remarkable teal hue.
The caps of the mushrooms are spherical, expanding into a broad, wavy shape as they mature and appear slimy. The mushrooms have long stems attached to a white flat disc on the wood surface. The gills are white, adhering to the blue edges. These “magical” mushrooms appear in small clusters on damp wood surfaces.
3. Melanistic Serval
Servals are a species of wild cat native to Africa.
The melanistic serval is an extremely rare wild cat species originating from Africa. Its name comes from “melanistic,” a genetic mutation that gives it darker pigmentation compared to its relatives.
Servals are a species of wild cat native to Africa. They are slender cats, relatively large compared to domestic cats, characterized by their yellow fur with black spots. However, among them exists a rare and elusive black cat known as the melanistic serval.
This animal is considered to have the melanistic condition—a type of genetic mutation that causes it to have darker coloration than normal relatives. According to biologists, this genetic mutation is very rare among animal species, making it unique. There is limited information about this elusive species.
4. Black Diamond Apple
The Black Diamond Apple is a rare apple variety belonging to the Brown Apple family.
The Black Diamond Apple features a unique dark purple skin. This rare apple variety is cultivated in the mountainous region of Tibet.
The Black Diamond Apple is a rare apple variety belonging to the Brown Apple family. The apples have a unique dark purple skin, and their coloration is believed to be due to their native geography. The apples are named for their waxy texture and diamond-like sheen. They originate from Nyingchi, a small city in Tibet.
5. Hymenopus coronatus
This is a stunning pink and white mantis resembling flower petals.
Hymenopus coronatus is a rare orchid mantis from Malaysia. They are very rare because their stunning colors attract birds, and they often do not survive to adulthood.
The orchid mantis, also known as Hymenopus coronatus, is a stunning pink and white mantis resembling flower petals. This rare orchid mantis species is found in tropical forests in Southeast Asia. The orchid mantis is characterized by its vibrant colors and rapid adaptation to various environmental conditions. They are experts in camouflage, mimicking the parts of orchid flowers.
Similar to the Purple Quartz Starling, Hymenopus coronatus also exhibits sexual dimorphism with males being smaller than females. The orchid mantis is a favorite among insect enthusiasts but is very rare and quite expensive.
6. Rhinoceros Iguana
This species is named for the horn-like bony protrusions on its snout.
The rhinoceros iguana is a lizard species native to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic). This species is named for its horn-like bony protrusions on its snout. The iguana has a robust body and comes in shades ranging from gray to olive green.
Males have larger horns than females. These unique iguanas primarily inhabit exposed scrub, rocks, and dense thickets. They spend most of their daytime active climbing rocks and digging burrows. Although they may appear intimidating, they are harmless herbivores, feeding on fruits, leaves, and flowers.
7. Mexican Alligator Lizard
These lizards exhibit various colors depending on the UVB light they are exposed to.
The Mexican alligator lizard, also known as the alligator lizard, was described by American zoologist Edward Drinker Cope in 1864. These lizards exhibit various colors depending on the UVB light they are exposed to. The lizard turns a brilliant green when exposed to natural sunlight but appears bright blue under UVB light.
Adult lizards measure 12 inches long and possess a slender tail that accounts for nearly half their length. They are slow-moving and tend to bite when threatened.
8. Barreleye Fish
The Barreleye fish, scientifically known as Macropinna microstoma, is a unique fish species recently discovered by scientists. Strangely, the Barreleye fish has a transparent head, allowing a clear view of all its internal organs.
The head of the Barreleye fish is transparent, revealing its inner organs. (Photo: Pixabay)
However, the special feature of the Barreleye fish is not only its head but also its tubular eyes. This is because they live in deep marine environments at depths of 600-800 meters, where no light reaches, so their eyes have developed to be extremely sensitive to detect prey.
Their tubular eyes can rotate from a horizontal to a vertical position and are housed in a shield-like structure filled with clear liquid on their head. When they look upward, they can see through their transparent head to search for prey. In the ocean, the eyes of the Barreleye fish emit a lovely green light.
9. Picasso Bug
The Picasso Bug has a beautiful appearance but emits an unpleasant odor when approached. (Photo: Pixabay)
The Picasso bug, also known as the Zulu hud bug, is an insect belonging to the Sphaerocoris annulus group. It primarily inhabits Africa and is found in the scorching Sahara Desert. This bug is named after the famous painter Picasso due to its vibrant colors. According to scientists, the Picasso bug uses its coloration to warn predators to stay away. Despite being known as one of the most beautiful insects, it is actually related to the stink bug, which can emit a very unpleasant odor.
10. Amazonian Royal Hummingbird
From a distance, the Amazonian Royal Hummingbird shines brightly like a dancer at a Carnaval festival. With its colorful crest, the Amazonian Royal Hummingbird is a regular feature on lists ranking the world’s most beautiful birds.
The Amazonian Royal Hummingbird has a brilliant crest that attracts every gaze. (Photo: Pixabay)
The scientific description of the Amazonian Royal Hummingbird was first published in 1776 by German zoologist Philipp Ludwig Statius Müller. He named it coronatus, which means “crowned” in Latin, referring to the crest on its head.
The Amazonian Royal Hummingbird primarily lives in South America. It is divided into two subspecies, one of which inhabits the Andes mountain range from Colombia to Venezuela and Peru, while the other is found in Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil.
The Amazonian Royal Hummingbird measures between 15 to 17.5 cm in length. They typically build their nests in trees near water to avoid predators. Their diet mainly consists of various insects.