To increase protein in your diet without consuming too much meat, you can eat corn, golden kiwi, guava, broccoli, spinach, and more.
Plant-Based Protein Sources as Meat Alternatives
Benefits of Plant-Based Protein
The protein we consume through our diet is mainly divided into two types:
Animal-based foods, which include eggs, dairy, poultry, beef, fish, shrimp, crab, and more.
Plant-based foods primarily come from grains (rice, white flour, cereals), legumes (soybeans, tofu, soy milk), seeds, vegetables, and fruits, which also provide some protein.
In addition to the longevity benefits mentioned in previous studies, plant-based protein has another advantage: it is beneficial for muscle synthesis. According to Yu Kang, a professor at the Clinical Nutrition Department at Beijing University Union Medical College, among all protein supplements, foods rich in branched-chain amino acids are more beneficial for muscle synthesis.
Fruits and vegetables also provide the body with a significant amount of protein along with fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, which are excellent for health and body shape.
High-protein fruits and vegetables support weight loss, reduce excess fat, and enhance muscle growth.
1. Corn
Corn provides a lot of fiber and protein, helping effective weight loss.
Corn is often mistakenly classified as a starchy food like rice, potatoes, and noodles; however, it is actually a vegetable. A medium-sized ear of corn provides 3.4 g of plant protein. Protein boosts metabolism, making weight loss easier.
2. Golden Kiwi
Golden kiwi contains over 20 types of vitamins and minerals, making it very beneficial for health. Two golden kiwis provide about 1.7 g of protein, meeting 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
3. Guava
A medium-sized guava provides over 4 g of protein. Additionally, guava is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C and folate, which are excellent for health and body shape.
4. Edamame
Edamame is a nutritious food that is good for health.
Edamame is a protein-rich food that is very beneficial for health. Half a cup of edamame provides 9 g of protein along with many essential amino acids.
5. Jackfruit
While jackfruit is high in sugar, it is also very rich in protein. 28 g of jackfruit provides 3 g of protein. Additionally, jackfruit contains many nutrients that are good for gut health.
6. Avocado
Avocado is rich in healthy fats and fiber. Additionally, avocado is an excellent source of natural protein. A medium-sized avocado contains about 4 g of protein.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli is recommended in various diet plans.
Broccoli is high in protein, low in fat, and low in calories. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for health. 100 g of broccoli provides about 2.8 g of protein.
8. Spinach
Spinach is one of the dark leafy greens rich in nutrients. Spinach provides a large amount of protein along with essential amino acids and vitamins, helping to improve the immune system, boost metabolism, and support effective weight loss. 100 g of spinach provides about 2.9 g of protein.