Despite possessing highly dangerous venom, this snake species does not actively hunt its prey. Instead, it employs a unique and fascinating method to trap its victims.
A Snake with a Unique Hunting Style
The snake in question is the Spider Tail Viper, also known as the Horned Viper, with the scientific name Pseudocerastes urarachnoides. This species belongs to the viper family and has extremely potent venom.
The Spider Tail Viper is endemic to the desert regions and arid hills of western Iran, near the border with Iraq.
The scales above the eyes make the Spider Tail Viper look like it has horns (Photo: Getty).
This species was first discovered by scientists in 1968, but it wasn’t until 2006—38 years later—that researchers obtained a live specimen for study, confirming it as a completely new species.
Like other horned vipers, the Spider Tail Viper has protruding scales above its eyes that resemble a pair of horns. It is a small snake, growing to just over 50 cm in length and weighing around 500 g. The coloring of the Spider Tail Viper is perfectly suited for camouflage and concealment while hunting.
As a snake with lethal venom, the Spider Tail Viper utilizes a very special and intriguing method to catch its prey.
Close-up of the tail resembling a spider of the Spider Tail Viper (Photo: AZAnimals).
The tail of this snake features hard, spiky scales resembling spider legs, making the tail look just like a spider. This is also the origin of the species’ name.
Initially, scientists believed the tail of this snake was due to a disease, deformity, or caused by parasites, unaware that it was a biological characteristic.
The uniquely shaped tail of the Spider Tail Viper plays a crucial role in its hunting strategy. Instead of actively pursuing prey, the Spider Tail Viper hides in sand, rocks, or tree hollows, raising its spider-like tail and wiggling it to lure in potential victims.
The Spider Tail Viper can camouflage effectively in its environment (Photo: Pinterest).
Not only does it resemble a spider, but the unique tail of the Spider Tail Viper can also mimic spider movements, making it look just like a real spider from a distance.
The shape and movement of this spider-like tail attract attention from animals that prey on spiders, especially insect-eating birds or lizards. When birds or lizards rush in to catch what they think is prey, they unwittingly become the target of the Spider Tail Viper.
As soon as the prey gets close, the Spider Tail Viper strikes with a deadly bite to capture its victim.
It can be said that the Spider Tail Viper is one of the most uniquely impressive hunting snakes in the natural world.
How Venomous is the Spider Tail Viper?
The Spider Tail Viper is considered a shy species, not aggressive toward humans, and only attacks when threatened or captured. Its venom is hemotoxic, causing severe bleeding in the victim, which can be difficult to control. Additionally, bites from this snake can lead to tissue necrosis if not treated promptly.
From a distance, the tail of the Spider Tail Viper looks like a real spider (Photo: EEI).
Despite having deadly venom, the Spider Tail Viper has become a favorite pet among snake and reptile enthusiasts in Iran and many other countries around the world, primarily due to its unique tail and impressive hunting style.
The hunting of Spider Tail Vipers for sale and as pets is widespread in Iran, leading to a significant decline in their population in the wild.