The UK Ministry of Defence has unveiled a Star Wars-style laser capable of cutting through enemy aircraft.
In a video posted on YouTube, the UK Ministry of Defence revealed a high-energy weapon that can slice through metal. The astonishing footage shows a laser gun severing an 82mm thick mortar casing, and the Ministry of Defence indicated that in the future, it could be used to target enemy aircraft or armored vehicles.
The UK Ministry of Defence stated: “This research is part of the Dragonfire program – aimed at creating a laser weapon capable of replacing missiles – to shoot down drones and cut through the fuselages of aircraft and armored vehicles.”
The UK Ministry of Defence has revealed its laser weapon. (Image: Internet).
“This technology is not ready for deployment and still requires an additional 5-10 years of research. Its potential is enormous.”
The laser gun melts the mortar casing. (Image: Internet).
Close-up of the mortar casing melted by the laser gun. (Image: Internet).
This announcement comes just weeks after China revealed a laser weapon called The Silent Hunter, capable of shredding a tank from several kilometers away.
Chinese defense contractors have developed this powerful cutting machine in an effort to counter threats.
Emblem of the UK Ministry of Defence. (Image: Internet).
The newly demonstrated laser weapon in Abu Dhabi is said to be more powerful than the one aboard the USS Ponce, an Austin-class amphibious transport dock of the US Navy.
Equipping high-tech laser weapons seems to be the nearest goal for militaries around the world, with the UK and China leading the way, quickly followed by Russia, the US, and Germany, each unveiling their own laser weapons.