Even if you’ve outgrown the age for receiving lucky money, there are still ways to get it. By applying these psychological “manipulation” tricks, you may find success, whether to a lesser or greater extent!
Tips to Help You Receive More Lucky Money in the New Year
- 1. Join the children in wishing everyone a Happy New Year
- 2. Wear bright clothing: red
- 3. Always greet everyone with a bright smile
- 4. Be humorous at all times
- 5. Always show concern for those around you
- 6. Use the “self-deprecating” tactic
- 7. The “borrow the wind to break the bamboo” tactic
- 8. Earn points with small gestures
The Lunar New Year is a time for everyone to relax after a long year of hard work, gather with family, check on each other’s health, and exchange wishes for the new year… Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to earn some lucky money.
The New Year has arrived, and we all hope to receive plenty of lucky money, right? Each red envelope is a wish for good fortune in the new year and also a small fund to buy something you like after the holiday. But not everyone is blessed with a bountiful lucky money season.
1. Join the children in wishing everyone a Happy New Year
Did you know that joining children to wish grandparents and relatives a Happy New Year can increase your chances of receiving lucky money by up to 60%? After all, if the kids are receiving lucky money, why shouldn’t you?
Joining children in wishing grandparents and relatives a Happy New Year can increase your chances of receiving lucky money by up to 60%.
From a psychological perspective, researchers have proven that being part of a group makes you more attractive and likable to others.
This phenomenon is known as the “cheerleader effect”, which occurs when our brains tend to be “more lenient”, rather than scrutinizing each individual closely. A “lenient” brain helps you gain favor with the people around you.
However, don’t forget to prepare clever responses for any tricky questions with witty replies like: “Receiving lucky money is to bring good fortune, and everyone needs good fortune, right?” or “Last year, thanks to your lucky money, I was so lucky, so please give me lucky money again this year!” Quick-witted, charming, and humorous exchanges will bring smiles to the family and encourage the elders to hand over those lucky red envelopes.
2. Wear bright clothing: red
The New Year is a time for you to don colorful outfits. But do you know which color will help you become more attractive and more likely to receive lucky money?
The answer is red. Researchers from the University of Rochester conducted experiments to test women’s reactions to men wearing different colors such as blue, red, gray, black, and orange. A similar experiment was conducted with men as the subjects.
The results showed that in both cases, participants were drawn to those wearing red clothing.
This is because red evokes feelings of enthusiasm, energy, and vitality. Particularly during the New Year, red—the color of the lucky money envelope—also symbolizes good fortune.
Therefore, there is no reason to refuse a red outfit that could bring you luck and more “gifts” in the new year.
3. Always greet everyone with a bright smile
The New Year is a time for family reunions, joking, and wishing for a prosperous year. According to scientists, being cheerful, welcoming, and smiling will make others pay more attention to you, thus increasing your chances of receiving lucky money.
Experts explain that receiving a smile from someone is akin to your brain receiving a reward. Specifically, the prefrontal cortex—the area above the eyes—activates strongly.
This conclusion was drawn after experts conducted fMRI scans on volunteers. They found that seeing a bright smile significantly stimulates brain activity.
4. Be humorous at all times
Everyone wants a warm and joyful family atmosphere during the New Year, so humor will help those around feel lighter and more comfortable.
According to American scientists, humor not only brings laughter but also positively impacts communication and bonding among family members.
Researcher Chris Robert at the University of Missouri states: “The ability to appreciate humor and make others laugh increases positive hormones like endorphins (natural painkillers) and serotonin (mood regulators). These hormones can improve feelings, bring refreshment, and make you more generous.”
5. Always show concern for those around you
One truth is that everyone feels happier and more comfortable when they feel useful and respected by others. Thus, by observing, inquiring, and offering timely compliments, you can easily win the affection and goodwill of those around you.
In a study conducted in the United States, Elizabeth Gunderson and colleagues demonstrated that giving compliments and encouragement makes the praised person feel happy, which in turn makes them more generous. Who knows, these people may give you double the lucky money due to your kindness and encouragement.
Giving compliments and encouragement makes those praised more generous, and you will receive more lucky money. (Illustration).
6. Use the “self-deprecating” tactic
When an elder starts a conversation, try to steer it toward topics like studying away from home or living conditions, and once you get into the groove, share your hardships. If they still show no unusual response, you can enlist the help of a relative and share the struggles your parents have faced to support your education. This will surely tug at their heartstrings.
7. The “borrow the wind to break the bamboo” tactic
To request a lot of lucky money, you need to set up a professional organization; your younger siblings can serve as useful assistants. Each time you see a guest arrive, pretend to go to another room and instruct your younger sibling to entertain the guests. This tactic is quite effective.
- First, it helps delegate tasks and saves your breath.
- Second, it prevents you from hovering too much in front of your parents.
- Third, the amount of lucky money is inversely proportional to age; the younger your sibling is, the higher the success rate.
8. Earn points with small gestures
You should put aside plans for enjoying the holiday like scrolling through Facebook, binge-watching movies, gaming, or hanging out with friends if you still want to receive lucky money from your parents. Instead, volunteer to help your father clean the furniture, sweep the ancestral altar, take your mother shopping for the New Year, or help your sibling decorate the house. By doing so, you will not only score points in your parents’ eyes but also significantly increase your chances of receiving a red envelope.