The Function of Male Breasts: Understanding Gynecomastia
The appearance of breasts in men does not serve the same significant sexual function as it does in women. Beneath the skin of a man’s chest, there are circular muscles similar to breast tissue, arranged in a lattice pattern, with a thin layer of soft fat in between. However, this breast tissue is naturally assigned to remain “inactive” and does not develop.
When noticing an abnormal enlargement of the breasts, it is essential to seek medical advice. This condition could be a result of hormonal imbalances. A man suffering from “sagging” breasts due to this issue may eventually experience feelings of inferiority and self-doubt. Moreover, their sexual attractiveness may diminish in the eyes of their partner.
Consult an Endocrinologist
Gynecomastia is often accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:
– Presence of a bulging point on the breast (located away from the nipple), measuring unusually from 3 to 5 cm in diameter.
– The bulging point is covered with several thin layers of membrane.
– The nipple secretes a pinkish fluid resembling blood.
Approximately 10% of individuals with gynecomastia experience reduced immunity and may simultaneously be at risk for conditions such as viral hepatitis, swollen testicles, stomach pain, or pneumonia. The likelihood of breast cancer in men is very low (0.2%); however, the abnormal swelling of the breasts still needs to be addressed for aesthetic reasons, while restoring hormonal balance can enhance masculine attractiveness.
The Feminine Aspect in Men’s Bodies
– The development of breast tissue is regulated by estrogen (the female hormone), along with hormones from the pituitary gland. Both male and female hormones are present in the bodies of all individuals. In a healthy male, the majority of male hormones (androgens) are concentrated in the testes, while a smaller portion is found in the adrenal glands. In women, most estrogen is concentrated in the ovaries.
– When a man experiences a hormonal imbalance—where pituitary hormones exceed androgens—this can lead to swollen breasts or other uncomfortable symptoms.
– Typically, men notice that their breast size resembles that of women, where both sides are enlarged but not symmetrically.
Not the Muscular Chest of a Bodybuilder
Individuals who specialize in bodybuilding or heavy sports possess a different type of muscular chest. A large chest resulting from significant weight gain is due to the phenomenon of fat separation occurring under the skin. This phenomenon occurs uniformly across the arms, hips, and thighs, leading to evenly taut skin and proportionate dimensions, unlike those with gynecomastia, where enlargement is localized to one area.
– In cases where breast enlargement occurs slowly and the thickness increases beyond 2 cm, hormonal adjustment medication may be used for treatment. After medication, the condition may improve, but the breast size may not reduce significantly.
– If the swollen area exceeds 3 cm in diameter, surgical options may be considered. A deeper exploration of the lump may help doctors identify the underlying cause—whether it’s a hormonal disorder or another reason. Surgery should not be performed on patients under the age of 16.
Hoàng Anh