”A blinding beam of light erupted from a supernova far away. Through that brilliant light, the Hubble telescope has “seen” a mysterious force that acts against gravity, pushing galaxies away from each other. This discovery marks one of the most significant breakthroughs in the history of understanding the natural state of the universe: It is expanding.”
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It seems that I read online that scientists keep talking about “dark energy,” a force that is pushing galaxies apart, concluding that the universe is expanding. But if it (the universe) is expanding, it must be in a space larger than itself. That is the only way it can expand. So what is outside this universe?
If we cannot explain what is outside the universe, then the hypothesis that the universe was born from the Big Bang seems to be wrong. Because if such an explosion occurred, then the space in which it exploded would naturally be larger than the universe itself. Conversely, if we say the universe is infinite and has no boundaries, then naturally there would be no Big Bang.
Is the universe really expanding?
1. If the universe is limited (it can only expand if it has limits) and was born from the Big Bang, then what existed before the Big Bang? If there is a limit, then the matter in the universe is finite, so how could it keep expanding? Furthermore, if the universe is limited, what surrounds it to prevent galaxies from escaping? What is the “something” outside? If one day its end, as scientists suggest, could be another explosion, then no matter how much humanity develops, we would still be within the universe, and everything would vanish in the explosion. So what would remain?
2. On the other hand, if the universe is unlimited, then there is no end to the universe, and therefore no expansion. If there are no limits, the universe will always remain the universe. An ending would only signify the end of the life of a star or a galaxy, not the end of the universe itself.
In summary, it seems that 2 is more accurate than 1. That’s just my thought. I’m merely posing a few questions, answering them myself, and seeking other answers. If anyone believes the universe has limits, please tell me what is outside of it. Thank you! ^^
Yahoo: ngoisaotuthan007. Feel free to message me! ^^