Do Gorillas Have Any “Special Strength” That Makes Tigers and Lions Cautious in Confrontations?
When talking about apex predators in the wild, we cannot overlook the tiger and the lion. The tiger is the lord of the jungle, while the lion reigns over the savannah. They are notorious hunters, instilling fear in countless creatures for ages. However, zoologists have observed that tigers and lions often avoid gorillas. Is it out of fear, or is there another reason?
Let’s first compare these three species.
1. Gorillas
When threatened, male gorillas stand upright and pound their chests to signal a warning. (Image: Pixabay)
While gorillas may remind us of the movie King Kong, in reality, they are typical herbivores. Gorillas (scientific name: Gorilla) belong to the family Hominidae and the order Primates. They are known as the largest primates. Gorillas are incredibly strong mammals and quite intelligent. They can reach heights of 1.5 to 1.8 meters and weigh between 100 to 230 kg. Gorillas have long, black fur, muscular bodies, and are capable of moving on both hands and feet while being strong climbers. They usually walk on all fours but can stand on two legs.
Gorillas eat grass, bamboo shoots, and insects, and they live in the tropical rainforests of Africa.
Gorillas have an average running speed of about 40 km/h. (Image: Pixabay)
When male gorillas reach around 12 years old, the fur on their backs gradually changes from gray to white, at which point they are in their prime physical condition and are referred to as silverbacks.
When threatened, a male gorilla will stand upright and pound its chest to warn before engaging in a fight. Gorillas are known as powerful beasts with a massive appearance, much stronger than humans, and a punch from a gorilla can deform anything in its path. Despite their large size, gorillas have an average running speed of about 40 km/h.
2. Lions
Lions (Panthera leo) are one of the large cat species in the Felidae family, genus Panthera. They are the second-largest big cats after the Siberian tiger. In Western culture, lions are often referred to as the “lords of the jungle” or “kings of beasts.” They excel at hunting medium to large mammals. An adult lion can grow up to 2.5 meters long and weigh up to 200 kg. The lion’s body is very powerful, and they are excellent at hunting medium to large mammals.
The lion’s body is very powerful, and they are excellent at hunting medium to large mammals. (Image: Pixabay)
Lions are apex predators that primarily feed on live meat, often hunting other mammals such as antelopes, zebras, cattle, and horses. Their bite force is approximately 690 pounds. The lords of the jungle can run at speeds of up to 80 km/h over short distances.
3. Tigers
Tigers, also known as Panthera tigris, are a species of mammal belonging to the Felidae family and classified as one of the five “big cats” in the genus Panthera. Tigers are the largest felines and the third-largest carnivores (after the polar bear and brown bear). An adult tiger can reach lengths of 3.3 meters and weigh over 300 kg. They are easily recognizable by their dark vertical stripes on orange fur with a white belly.
Most tiger species inhabit forests and grasslands (areas where their camouflage abilities are optimized).
Tigers hunt alone, primarily preying on medium-sized herbivores. (Image: Pixabay)
Tigers are good swimmers but poor climbers. They are among the many carnivorous animals at the top of the food chain in natural ecosystems. Their average lifespan is around 20 years. Tigers hunt alone, primarily targeting medium-sized herbivores such as deer, wild boars, and buffalo. However, they can also take down larger or smaller prey if the circumstances allow. Tigers may not be the fastest animals, but they possess powerful legs that allow them to sprint up to 60 km/h, but only over short distances.
Who Would Win in a Confrontation Between Tigers, Lions, and Gorillas?
Based on the characteristics of these three species, it is evident that the tiger is larger than both the lion and the gorilla. This larger size gives the tiger an advantage in combat against opponents.
Tigers have a stronger attack capability than lions due to their more developed muscles. (Image: Pixabay)
In various studies, tigers have a stronger attacking ability than lions due to their more developed musculature, especially in their forelimbs. A tiger can take down an adult wildebeest alone, whereas a lion requires a group to accomplish this task.
In terms of speed, lions are faster than both tigers and gorillas. It can be said that lions are at the top of the food chain in the African savannah, with an average running speed of 80.5 km/h.
Male lions have the advantage of their mane, one of their most formidable weapons. (Image: Pixabay)
Compared to the other two species, male lions have the advantage of their mane, which is one of their most effective weapons. The mane has evolved to suit combat situations, protecting against potentially deadly bites and scratches. The lion’s mane is regarded as a protective armor for its neck and signifies that male lions are born to fight.
Tigers also have other strengths in combat, such as their formidable sharp teeth, with long canines. Tigers have a bite force of up to 738,000 kg/m2, while the lion’s bite force is 457,000 kg/m2. However, neither tigers nor lions can match the gorilla’s extremely strong jaws, which can exert a bite force of 913,000 kg/m2.
Tigers also have other strengths in combat, such as their formidable sharp teeth. (Image: Pixabay)
If these three species were to confront each other, the victor would depend on various factors such as environment, age, gender, weight, and attack style.
The age and gender of the gorilla, lion, or tiger play a significant role in the outcome of the encounter. An experienced adult male gorilla might be able to contend with an adult lion, but a younger gorilla or lion could be at a disadvantage.
The environment is also a factor that influences the battle’s outcome. If they were to fight in the forest, gorillas could potentially defeat tigers and lions by throwing rocks or other objects.
Gorillas could potentially defeat lions if they fought in the forest. (Image: Pixabay)
However, if they were to encounter each other on the open savannah, the lion would have the most advantages. In such an open and spacious area, lions could leverage the strength of their pride to attack.
From the information above, the victory of the tiger, lion, or gorilla depends on many factors. All three animals possess their unique strengths and weaknesses, making it challenging to conclude which one would ultimately triumph.
Regarding the tendency of tigers and lions to avoid gorillas, scientists have explained that these three species have different habitats, lifestyles, and behaviors. Therefore, in nature, they rarely encounter each other or “clash.”