Have you ever jumped on the scale right after waking up in the morning and noticed that you weigh less than the night before? This phenomenon occurs regularly, and scientists have discovered the reasons behind it.
According to experts, a person’s weight in the morning is lighter than at any other time of the day. This is because throughout the day, you eat, drink, and digest food. However, at night, your body has the chance to process everything consumed during the day.
The body burns energy and loses carbon atoms as we breathe. This slight loss contributes to us weighing a bit less when we wake up.
Additionally, one of the significant things we lose is water. When we exhale during sleep at night, a considerable amount of water is expelled in the process. We also tend to lose more water through sweating while we sleep.
All of these factors can lead to a total weight loss of about 0.4 to 1.4 kg overnight, making us lighter the next morning.