Despite being famous for their ability to eat large quantities of food, many mukbangers manage to maintain a slim and toned physique.
In a television program aired in February, Tzuyang, the most popular mukbanger in South Korea with nearly 8 million subscribers on her personal channel, sparked debate when she shared that her health had improved and she had even lost weight despite her excessive eating habits and complete lack of exercise.
Mukbangers can lose weight despite eating a lot.
Previously, other well-known mukbangers like Banzz and Boki also attracted attention by showcasing their toned physiques and six-pack abs.
According to Craveonline, mukbang is a combination of “mukja” (to eat) and “bangsong” (broadcasting), which means the profession of eating while live-streaming. Mukbangers are often known for their ability to “eat large amounts of food,” consuming massive quantities of food in front of the camera.
When these individuals share photos of their slim and fit bodies, many viewers express surprise and skepticism. Some medical experts and doctors have attempted to explain this phenomenon from a scientific perspective.
Eating Portions for Ten but Not Gaining Weight
Seo Jae Gul, a medical doctor who creates YouTube videos addressing health topics of interest, compares the human stomach to a balloon.
Typically, a flat stomach is about half the size of a paper cup. However, when food is consumed, it expands and can even hold a 2-liter bottle of water.
The stomach can stretch approximately 50 times its original size. However, Dr. Seo emphasizes that if the stomach is distended for a long time, it will gradually lose its ability to contract.
Tzuyang is famous for her ability to eat portions for 9-10 people.
So why do mukbangers seem to not gain weight despite constantly eating large portions? According to Dr. Seo, the key point is that these individuals do not retain food in their stomachs for a long time.
Tzuyang has previously shared her “secret” to losing weight. Dr. Seo compares this method to pouring water into a jar with a crack at the bottom. “People can continuously eat food if they quickly expel everything to empty their stomachs rapidly.”
The doctor explains that people gain weight when their bodies store food as fat. Conversely, if food is expelled immediately, it will not convert into stored fat.
Health Risks
According to Dr. Seo, if food is expelled too rapidly, the body will not absorb the food properly, including its nutrients.
Tzuyang has shared that she does not have a healthy gut. This is why she often rushes to the bathroom while eating. According to Dr. Seo, this could be a sign that the gut is not absorbing nutrients from the food.
The doctor also noted that not all cases of mukbangers eating a lot without gaining weight are the same as Tzuyang’s. “The reasons depend on different body types.”
For example, Kim Dong Eun, a health coach known for her mukbangs, is recognized for her ability to eat a lot without gaining weight. She is 1.60 meters tall and weighs 52 kg.
According to the doctor, Kim can maintain her weight due to her active lifestyle and exercise. She has a high muscle mass and a relatively high basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Many mukbangers do not gain weight despite frequently live-streaming excessive eating.
Another example provided by the doctor is Hyun Joo Yup, a former professional basketball player and now a popular television personality. The 1.96-meter tall former athlete has a large frame, which allows him to consume a lot of food.
However, Hyun Joo Yup is still the type of person who easily gains weight because his body absorbs food well and does not expel it as quickly as Tzuyang. He also does not have as much muscle mass as Kim Dong Eun.
Another reason people easily gain weight is that they ignore their body’s signals indicating fullness.
“We have a ‘switch’ that suppresses appetite. If we fill 60-70% of our stomach, the body will signal: ‘You’re full! Don’t eat anymore.’ At this point, the hormone Leptin is released, making you feel full. However, if you eat too quickly, the body won’t have time to send the signal,” Dr. Seo explained.
Everyone has a different type of stomach with varying metabolic rates, weights, and digestion processes. Experts emphasize the importance of understanding your own body.
“Some people gain weight even when eating little, while others cannot absorb nutrients despite eating a lot. Don’t envy mukbangers; instead, find out what type you are and which eating habits will suit you to maintain a healthy stomach and body.”