The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards has announced the funniest wildlife photos. The selected works were chosen from 9,000 entries from 98 countries around the world.
Hold On For A Ride: This photo shows a brown bear mother who, after a short nap, wants to go for a walk, but her cubs want to be carried. (Photo: Alexander Fine).
Love: The author captured the moment two bears are affectionately hugging each other in Sitka, Alaska (USA). (Photo: Andrea Rosado).
England’s Secret Weapon: The author took this photo of a sifaka dancing in Madagascar. At that moment, it was running towards the photographer and creating many funny shapes. However, this moment was the best. It looks like it’s practicing a throwing move to get ready for the English cricket team. (Photo: Andy Rouse).
Hey You, Get Away – This Is My Bird!: This photo was taken in South Georgia. The author writes, “The photo really shows a male emperor penguin trying to approach a female who already has a mate. The position of the male’s body and the way it spreads its wings convey a very clear message: Get away!” (Photo: Andy Rouse).
I’m Too Pretty To Love!: The hippopotamus looks like it just stepped out of a salon with a bright smile on its face. (Photo: Artur Stankiewicz).
Pensive Chimpanzee: The author captured an image of a chimpanzee in Uganda, which he believes seems to be “pondering an important issue.” (Photo: Arvind Mohandas).
Zen Master Otter: “While sitting in a kayak with my camera precariously on the edge of the boat, I remained absolutely silent as I drifted past this resting sea otter. It was still relaxed (you can tell because it’s lying on its back on the water) and continued to groom its fur. With a peaceful face and its paws facing up, it reminded me of a Zen master meditating,” the author writes. (Photo: Charles Janson).
A Prayer: This otter is holding food with its front paws, making it look like it is praying. (Photo: Christine Haines).
It’s Monday Again: The author took this photo when he saw a beaver right on the canoe. And it was busy grooming itself. (Photo: Christopher Arnold).
Cold Water Bath: This doe stood up on its hind legs to reach for leaves from a tree. When it returned on all fours, it unexpectedly dropped the branch and got a cold shower on its head. (Photo: Corentin Revel).
The Grey Heron’s Difficult Landing: The author captured the moment a grey heron awkwardly landed on a rock in Bulgaria. (Photo: Damyan Petkov).
The Frog in the Bubble: “During a photoshoot at the lake, I discovered this frog with its head stuck in a water bubble,” the photographer writes. (Photo: Eberhard Ehmke).
The Pavarotti of Owls: “This area is always a nesting site for burrowing owls, so I visit frequently. When I saw this photo on my computer, it looked like the little owl was singing its heart out, reminding me of Pavarotti,” the author reveals. (Photo: Fred Amico).
Sunny Elephant Seal: These massive, ton-weight giants are fighting to protect their females. (Photo: Gabriel Rojo).
I’m Coming: The photo captures the moment the alca seabirds are watching one of their group trying to land awkwardly. (Photo: Inés Godínez).
Joyful Laughter: This seal pup looks like it’s joyfully laughing at a good joke. (Photo: Ingo Hamann).
I’m Going to Tell You a Secret: A tiny panda bear is whispering a secret into its mother’s ear. (Photo: Jan Piecha).
Where Do You Think You’re Going?: “This photo was taken in 2015 during my first visit to the Farne Islands in England. The islands were teeming with puffins, kittiwake gulls, razorbills, and guillemots. Never before, and not since, have I taken so many photos in such a short time,” the author shares. (Photo: Jörn Clausen).
Flamenco Mantis: The photographer lay down by the roadside to capture this image of a Flamenco mantis raising its arms like in a dance posture. (Photo: Jose Miguel Gallego Molina).
The Zeisel’s Song: The photo captures the moment a ground squirrel, also known as zeisel, is calling its kind when it finds food. (Photo: Kath Aggiss).
The Shy Frog: “I asked this frog to smile for the camera, but it seems a bit shy,” the photographer shares. (Photo: Kingston Tam).
Hide and Seek: “We were on a safari in Kenya and stumbled upon a leopardess looking for a mate. A herd of topi antelope was also closely watching her as she left signs on the trees for potential mates. This photo made me think the leopard was about to yell, ‘Ready or not, here I come!'” the author writes. (Photo: Leslie McLeod).
Are You Kidding Me?: The author captured the moment two Cape fur seals were joyfully laughing with each other. (Photo: Marti Phillips).
The Stuck Squirrel: The photo captures a squirrel with its legs sticking out of a hole in a tree trunk. (Photo: Milko Marchetti).
“Calm Down, Guys: “Hajime!” This is the term that referees in judo use to invite opponents to start the match. In this photo, the bear stands as if saying that to the other two bears, mimicking the gesture that referees often make when saying this word. (Photo: Philippe Ricordel).
The Gang of Four Penguins: “On the penguin path, these rockhopper penguins are marching into town. Of course, this town is not big enough for all of them!”, the author humorously shares. (Photo: Ralph Robinson).
She Is Not My Mother!: This female red-bellied woodpecker has been surveying the American owl’s nest for several days. The tiny owl chick looks clearly startled and unsure of what to think upon seeing this intruder. (Photo: Randy Herman).
Rock Star: Here is a female lizard standing tall to avoid the summer heat. (Photo: Sanjay Patil).
Complaining is a Global Affair: The author captured this photo while on safari in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. “I printed this photo and hung it on the wall at home; everyone who sees it bursts into laughter,” the photographer shares. (Photo: Scott Frier).
Mafia Boss: This flying squirrel looks like it’s “holding a cigar,” resembling a mafia boss. (Photo: Takashi Kubo).
Time to Cool Down: An Adélie penguin stands guard over its chick as it lies flat on the rock to cool down. Due to their thick insulation, sometimes penguin chicks get too hot and stretch out on the rocks to lower their body temperature. (Photo: Zikri Teo).