The Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) has completed the documentation to submit to the Ministry of Health regarding the plan to conduct trials for a vaccine against avian influenza in humans, with production anticipated to commence in early 2006.
The research process for producing the H5N1 vaccine for humans was initiated by NIHE at the beginning of 2004, following a very stringent protocol.
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Dinh, Deputy Director of NIHE, stated that the commitment and direction of NIHE regarding the production of H5N1 for humans have not changed up to this point. “We have sent vaccine samples for antigen concentration testing to the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine if they are sufficient to induce immunity, and we are currently awaiting the results.”
Regarding reports from some newspapers claiming that NIHE began producing human avian influenza vaccines on November 10, 2005, Associate Professor Dinh indicated that such inaccurate information places NIHE in a difficult position. “A scientific process never starts at a specific moment. It can only be set within a certain timeframe with some flexibility,” stated Associate Professor Dinh.
According to Professor Thu Van, Director of the Vaccine Production Company under NIHE, her company is currently in the trial production phase and has not yet started field production for humans. Professor Thu Van also noted that producing the H5N1 vaccine for humans is a process and cannot be pinpointed to a specific date.