Did you receive a brand new computer as a gift this past Christmas? However, you might be concerned about the threat of spyware based on stories you’ve read in the news—tales that these malicious software programs can infiltrate your computer in just a few minutes if it’s not properly protected. Fortunately, there are effective methods to combat such dangerous software. Here are some tips you might consider:
1. When you first start your new computer and connect to the internet, the first thing you should do is update your Windows operating system immediately. Use the Windows Updates or Windows Security Center feature to do this. Also, remember to enable the automatic update feature for your operating system. Unless your computer has a third-party firewall installed, make sure to activate the Windows XP firewall if you are using Windows XP.
2. Update the virus definitions for any pre-installed antivirus software on your computer, as well as for other security programs. Configure these programs to automatically update.
3. Download and install an alternative browser to Internet Explorer, such as Firefox or Opera.
4. Increase the security settings for Internet Explorer even if you are using an alternative browser. You can find more information here.
5. It is advisable to install at least one anti-spyware application. Two leading anti-spyware programs are Ad-Aware and Microsoft AntiSpyware. Update the spyware definitions for these programs and enable automatic scanning and protection features in Microsoft AntiSpyware.
6. Consider installing additional programs like SpywareBlaster or SpywareGuard.
7. Install IE-SPYAD. This application automatically adds a list of 20,000 dangerous Internet domains to the list of blocked websites for Internet Explorer.
8. Set up a HOSTS file—this type of file helps you avoid DNS exploits that could redirect you to a dangerous website instead of a trusted one. You can download it here.
9. Take time to learn about the signs that indicate your computer may be infected with spyware and how to address it. You can find more information here.
10. Browse the web safely. You can find additional resources here.