Legend has it that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, and many people share stories about what should not be done to avoid misfortune on this day.
To mitigate the potential bad luck on this day, we need to avoid many things. Below are the commonly shared taboos to steer clear of misfortune on Friday the 13th.
1. Avoid dating on Friday the 13th
If you have a date planned for this day, cancel it immediately. Otherwise, your relationship may not go anywhere.
2. Do not spill salt on the table
We live in a scientific and technological age, but that doesn’t mean people have stopped believing in superstitions and charms. If you spill salt on the table on this day, it signifies that you will encounter misfortune. However, you can counteract this bad omen by tossing some salt over your left shoulder. Additionally, do not open an umbrella indoors, as it is believed to bring bad luck.
3. Do not place a hat on the bed
Many Westerners believe that placing a hat on a bed is a sign of disrespect and is considered a bad omen for the household. This is because a bed resembles a coffin, and hats, along with clothing and armor, are placed on the lid as a sign of respect only for the deceased. Therefore, when visiting someone’s home, you may place your hat anywhere except on their bed.
4. Do not cut your hair on Friday the 13th
According to Western beliefs, cutting hair is considered unlucky, so it should be avoided, especially on Friday the 13th, as this bad luck can negatively affect your family members. However, some believe that cutting hair (which is unlucky) on Friday the 13th could lead to good fortune.
On this day, do not open an umbrella indoors as it is believed to bring bad luck.
5. Do not cut your nails
On Friday the 13th, you should avoid cutting your fingernails and toenails, as it is believed to cause bad luck to “follow” you afterward.
6. Do not enroll on Friday the 13th
Many believe that enrolling in school or undertaking similar tasks on this day will bring misfortune.
According to legend, a goddess named Frey (meaning Friday) was punished and became a witch. To take revenge, this witch gifted each of the 12 goddesses a black cat, bringing the total number of beings (goddesses and cats) to 13. The black cat is considered part of the devilish group.
7. Do not break a mirror
Many believe that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.
8. Do not let a sick person look in the mirror
If a sick person looks in the mirror on this day, they will see their own death. It is best to cover mirrors on Friday the 13th.
9. Women should not sit on boats or ships
Women should avoid getting on a boat or ship if it’s Friday the 13th. Many believe that a woman’s presence can cause the vessel to encounter trouble.
10. Do not sleep on your side
If you went to bed on the left side and woke up on the right side the next morning, it is believed that you will face misfortune.
11. Do not open an umbrella indoors
The Egyptians traditionally believed that opening an umbrella in the shade was an offense to the sun god, as it would block the sunlight from Ra. An open umbrella suggests that you do not require the protection and shelter of the deity. Consequently, your family may fall under a curse of bad luck and misfortune. Thus, on this day, you should not open an umbrella in your home.
12. Do not let a black cat into your house
A black cat crossing your path will bring much misfortune to your family.
In ancient Rome and Egypt, black cats were revered and considered symbols of good luck. However, in the 17th century, black cats became associated with witches, rather than being revered. They became feared and were used in sacrificial rituals. In Iceland, if a black cat crosses your path, it is believed that illness will soon visit your home. The Roma, Moldavians, and Czechs believe that a black cat crossing your path will bring much misfortune to your family.
13. Do not make promises under the moonlight
Westerners believe that the moon is a changeable entity. Throughout the month, the moon changes shape, waxing and waning. Therefore, it is best not to make promises under the moonlight, as this implies that your love will change as frequently as the moon’s shape.
14. Do not yawn without covering your mouth
You should not yawn openly without covering your mouth. Since the medieval era, many believe that when you yawn, your mouth opens, allowing demons to enter through it. Therefore, you should cover your mouth with your hand to prevent evil spirits from entering your soul. Nowadays, the image of the cross has been simplified, and you only need to cover your mouth with your hand while yawning.
15. Do not place a fork and knife crossed in an X shape
Not just on Friday the 13th, but on any day of the year, you should avoid placing a fork and knife crossed in an X shape. This symbolizes upcoming difficulties and is considered an omen of bad luck.
16. Do not walk under a ladder
On Friday the 13th, do not place a fork and knife crossed in an X shape.
Many believe that when a ladder leans against a wall, it forms a triangle, which is one of the most sacred symbols in ancient Egypt. Walking under a ladder is said to break this symbol and anger the gods.
17. Avoid shocking or surprising experiences
Avoid shocking or surprising experiences. According to legends in some countries, those who frequently encounter ghosts or demons may die from fear, and their hair may turn white overnight. However, science has proven that hair cannot change color so quickly.
18. Do not change the position of your bed
To this day, many still believe that changing the position of your bed on Friday the 13th will lead to persistent nightmares for the person sleeping there.
19. Do not start a business
Like many others, if you are superstitious or consult the calendar frequently, Friday the 13th is not an ideal day to start a new business or undertake significant matters.
Avoid registering as number 13 on lists on this day
To limit bad luck and failures in academic endeavors, it’s advisable to avoid this day for such actions!
20. Do not travel far
21. Avoid creating a sense of panic, fear, and worry
It is essential to avoid this for yourself, your loved ones, and the community by spreading negative information that creates anxiety about Friday the 13th. This is a harmful action that should be condemned…
22. Avoid passing by a Catholic funeral
According to the English, the number 13 is considered unlucky, and when combined with Friday, it signifies a “great disaster.” This day is associated with execution by hanging during the Middle Ages. Therefore, witnessing a funeral on Friday the 13th causes great concern and even obsession among the English.
The information in this article is for reference only!