Located off the northwest coast of Africa, the Canary Islands have served as a stopping point for many sailors before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Isolated from mainland civilizations, this small group of islands has developed its own unique culture, with the Guanches leaving a significant mark here. Who were they, and were they truly as large as archaeologists claim?
Where Did the Guanches Come From?
Depiction of Guanches with a semi-nomadic lifestyle on the Canary Islands.
Both Pliny the Elder (23 AD – 79 AD) and Strabo (63 BC – 23 AD), two renowned philosophers from Rome and Greece, mentioned the group of islands now believed to be the Canary Islands, but provided very few details about the society there, even failing to mention its population. The Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi, in 1150, wrote about his encounter with a tall race described as having “light brownish-yellow hair” at a location roughly corresponding to present-day Canary. And that is all the evidence we have of the Guanches…
The Guanches were the first known inhabitants of the Canary Islands. It is believed they arrived here in the first millennium BC.
However, when archaeologists uncovered evidence of this culture, the first thing that struck them was not the artifacts or ruins, but the stature of the natives.
The Guanches were quite large at that time, especially the male members of the race, who typically stood between 1.75m to 1.90m tall. Some had blue eyes, blonde hair, and rosy skin, showcasing their health and agility.
The Guanches thrived for a long time until the 15th century, only declining after their final battles against the Spanish conquest of the islands in 1496.
These tall residents, living in isolation in the Atlantic, are thought to be connected to the legendary continent of Atlantis, although much of this is mere speculation based on a few similarities.
In reality, the Guanches are also related to the Egyptians. They spoke multiple languages derived from ancient Egyptian, which may partly explain the technical similarities between the Guanches and the Egyptians in terms of mummification processes.
However, the exact origins of this fair-skinned race remain a topic of debate among historians and archaeologists. Some researchers believe that they arrived in the Canary Islands by sea from North Africa and had close ties with the Berber tribes, who had occupied the North African continent for centuries.
Considering the close proximity of the Canary Islands to Morocco, it is possible that the Berbers landed on these islands around 100 AD. In 2017, the first comprehensive genetic data of the Guanches confirmed theories of their North African origins, showing the closest genetic relationship with ancient Berber peoples.
The Guanches lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle and often resided in caves carved deep into the mountains. Scarcity of food forced them to live modestly, mainly subsisting on wild fruits and fish. On very special occasions, they would roast meat.
This simple lifestyle allowed them to survive and thrive under challenging conditions. We have no records left from the Guanches themselves, apart from what can be found on the arid lands of the Canary Islands.
A Culture Erased
Statues of two Guanche kings on the island of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.
The peaceful life of the Guanches was disrupted in 1402 with the arrival of the Spanish. In the following century, the members of the race fought valiantly against the invaders to protect their land but were ultimately defeated.
Their unique culture and lifestyle were eradicated by the Spanish, with many tribe members dying from diseases brought by the invaders.
Some were captured and enslaved, taken to Spain. The remaining members of the tribe eventually had to conform to the lifestyle of the new rulers, gradually integrating with the Spanish people.
After the colonization of the islands, the Spanish provided evidence of the Guanches’ religion. They practiced polytheism and acknowledged the existence of a higher power (known by different names across the islands) along with the presence of evil spirits.
The male and female deities worshipped by the people varied from island to island. Each location crafted different ceramic statues to represent their gods.
The people had a unique belief system regarding religion and spirituality. They believed in the afterlife and the existence of souls. They had a complex concept of the invisible world, including their own ideas of heaven and hell.
Although most traces of them have been lost over time, the Guanches are still remembered for their bravery in battle, their striking blonde or red hair, and their height. The extinction of their race is considered one of the most tragic events in human history.