Tycoon Donald Trump has won the race for the White House. This outcome was predicted by famous seers around the world hundreds of years ago, leaving many in shock.
First and foremost, we must mention the seer Baba Vanga. The blind prophet described Trump as: “stepping into the presidency while America is in a severe economic crisis. The American people will place their trust in him, viewing him as a miracle to guide the U.S. through this crisis and rise to become a world power.”
President Donald Trump overwhelmingly defeated opponent Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.
She also stated that Barack Obama would be the first and the last African American president of the U.S. Donald Trump will be the final president, and after he leaves the White House, America will enter a period of turmoil, “the U.S. will sink into economic ruin, and the Northern and Southern states will divide, resembling a civil war.”
She predicted that the 45th president, Donald Trump, would struggle to gain public support and would be at risk of assassination near the end of his term. He would make perplexing decisions that would lead to conflicts with major nations during his presidency.
Blind seer Baba Vanga accurately predicted many major world events.
She predicted significant global events such as the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, and the rise of the ISIS insurgents. Recently, she also commented on the declining health of Hillary Clinton. In fact, the Democratic Party held an emergency meeting to find a replacement for Clinton in case of the worst outcome.
The French seer Nostradamus also made predictions about the 45th president of the United States 500 years ago. In one of his quatrains, he refers to a character called Trumpet who would hold power but make perplexing decisions. People would be shocked by his statements at the White House.
French seer Nostradamus made over 1000 predictions about the future world centuries ahead of his time.
In the quatrain concerning the character Trumpet, this individual will cause deep divisions in international relations. These verses seem to hint that Donald Trump will abolish NAFTA, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The quatrain also mentions the walls that Donald Trump wants to build to prevent the flow of immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. During his campaign, billionaire Donald also stated that he would deport thousands of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.
The verses of seer Nostradamus hint at President Trump and the consequences of his actions.
Additionally, the French seer also spoke about the consequences following Trump’s presidency. He would incite deep animosity between political factions and among the populace. America would enter a period of chaos, allowing other powers to rise to the top, diminishing America’s influence as it once was.
Nostradamus made over 1000 predictions about the state of the world hundreds of years ago. More than half of these have come true, which leaves many unsettled as the reality is that Donald Trump has indeed become the president of the United States, and his unsettling statements may also become a reality.