Thanks to a “mysterious object” found inside a duck, Binh An unexpectedly made a large sum of money.
One day in 1984, the family of the sister of Tran Binh An – a farmer from Hunan, China, visited his home. The Tran family decided to invite their relatives to stay for a meal. Afterward, Binh An went to the duck pen to gather some eggs for cooking. To his surprise, he found a duck that had suddenly died. Therefore, Binh An decided to take it home to prepare for dinner.
Binh An decided to take the dead duck home to prepare it for dinner.
While cleaning the duck’s insides, Binh An discovered a stone inside. This stone appeared quite similar to a piece of glass. Binh An picked up the stone and examined it closely, not taking his eyes off it. He mentioned to his wife that he had found a glass stone inside the duck. Binh An’s wife simply replied, “There’s nothing valuable in there, just throw it away and hurry up with the cooking.”
However, Binh An found the stone very beautiful, so he secretly pocketed it.
Binh An found a “transparent mysterious object” inside the duck. (Photo: Sohu)
One day, while he had some free time, Binh An took the stone out to study it. He felt that the stone had a very clear structure, looking quite unusual.
Binh An suddenly remembered that he had seen a photo of a similar glass stone in a newspaper before. He quickly searched for it and compared the two. Indeed, the two stones shared many similarities.
He found that the stone he discovered resembled a diamond previously found by someone else. (Photo: Sohu)
According to information from the newspaper, the stone in the photo was a natural diamond found by a girl in Linshu County, Shandong Province.
Binh An wanted to check if his stone was a diamond, so he decided to seek an expert for appraisal. However, there was no one in his area, so Binh An had to travel to the city to find an expert. After careful evaluation, the expert confirmed that the stone Binh An found inside the duck was indeed a diamond. Furthermore, it was a high-grade diamond, as it had absolute clarity, with no impurities inside or blemishes outside when viewed under a 10x magnifying glass. Therefore, based on the diamond’s quality, it was rated at D grade.
The expert stated that the stone inside the duck was an extremely rare D-grade diamond. (Photo: Sohu)
Diamonds are categorized into two groups: colored diamonds and colorless diamonds. In reality, it is very rare to find a completely colorless diamond. The natural colors of diamonds are usually yellow, brown, or gray. This led to the creation of the diamond color grading system.
According to the criteria set by the Gemological Institute of America, the quality of a diamond or its clarity is ranked from D to Z (with D being nearly colorless and Z being dark yellow or light brown). Adjacent grades of diamonds are often difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.
D-grade is the highest quality and most beautiful color classification of diamonds. (Photo: Sohu)
D-grade is the highest quality and most beautiful color classification. The color clarity of D-grade diamonds is perfect. The value of D-grade diamonds never diminishes; on the contrary, it only increases over time. According to the Gemological Institute of America, D-grade diamonds are the most beautiful and rarest.
The D-grade diamond weighing 158.786 carats that Binh An found was valued at nearly 90 million RMB (over 300 billion VND).