From dubious hypotheses about the Big Bang explosion to explosive speculations about extraterrestrials, these theories will certainly give you a completely new perspective on space and the universe.
A Collection of Astonishing Theories about Aliens
- Theory #1: Our Minds Are What Limit Humanity from Communicating with Extraterrestrials
- Theory #2: We Are Truly Alone
- Theory #3: Extraterrestrials Have Lived Among Us
- Theory #4: Another Big Bang Is About to Happen
- Theory #5: Humans Are the Rarest Treasure in the Universe
- Theory #6: There May Exist a Great Void of Darkness
- Theory #7: “They Don’t Want Us to Leave”
- Theory #8: We Are Stuck in a Repeating Cycle
- Theory #9: We Are an Extraterrestrial Project
- Theory #10: Some Extraterrestrials Exist Solely to Gather Information
Theory #1: Our Minds Are What Limit Humanity from Communicating with Extraterrestrials
Arguably, the most concerning theory explaining why we do not make contact with extraterrestrials does not come from an astronomer but from psychologist Jack Baird. Working with NASA on SETI in 1982, he suggested that humanity’s inability to detect or communicate with cosmic civilizations is fundamentally due to the limitations of the human mind.
Theory #2: We Are Truly Alone
This theory suggests that extraterrestrials do not exist.
Extraterrestrials do not exist. There is no intelligent life beyond the universe. Not even microbial life. The vast universe is truly barren of life. Therefore, it raises the question of where we come from? Why are we here? What if humanity is the only intelligent life in the universe? Is humanity the best that the universe can create?
Theory #3: Extraterrestrials Have Lived Among Us
Imagine that there may be an alien spacecraft hiding in the deepest crevice of the Mariana Trench. It’s a crazy thought. However, this would certainly be a reasonable hiding place if they could get there, as we currently lack the technological advancement to reach that depth.
Even if we could build a submarine capable of reaching the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, humanity would only be able to see them from a certain distance for a brief moment.
Theory #4: Another Big Bang Is About to Happen
With this theory, another Big Bang is imminent.
One popular theory suggests that at some point in the future, all matter in the universe, stars and galaxies, subatomic particles, space, and time will be torn apart by the ever-expanding speed of the universe.
Theory #5: Humans Are the Rarest Treasure in the Universe
As far as we know, the rarest thing in the universe is life. At least, complex life. The circumstances for complex life, as we know it, to form are extremely rare—rarer than the existence of any specific element. The conditions required for life to form need not only the raw materials but also incredibly specific conditions and billions of years of stable shaping that are nearly perfect for life to spontaneously develop…
Research into life has been conducted for a long time in history, particularly human life, where scientists have recorded data about human existence as well as our culture and knowledge in archives. Extraterrestrials may not be avoiding us, but they might be trying to minimize interference and are indifferent to unnecessary contact. Perhaps the reason they hide beneath the oceans of this planet is that life there is gradually dying.
Theory #6: There May Exist a Great Void of Darkness
Eventually, all stars in the universe will die, after which protons will begin to decay (theoretically), leaving us in a dark void, filled only by black holes occupying the empty space, but eventually, even black holes will die, and then the universe will become cold, empty, and dark.
Theory #7: “They Don’t Want Us to Leave”
It is possible that extraterrestrials want to ensure that we do not leave Earth due to concerns about our “violent” nature and nuclear weapons. They might allow us to choose, to give up nuclear weapons, and they will help humanity reach the next stage of civilization development, or they will self-destruct our nuclear weapons and keep us prisoners of this world. Extraterrestrials could be interdimensional beings residing on planets, and our world belongs to them. It is unclear why they created humans and allowed humanity to evolve to this point. However, they may not have anticipated that humans would become a species that fights each other and destroys this shared home.
Theory #8: We Are Stuck in a Repeating Cycle
The “Big Crunch” hypothesizes that eventually, expansion will reverse, and the universe will collapse into a singularity.
Two popular theories about the end of the universe are “the Big Crunch” and “the Big Freeze.” Both relate to the potential expansions and contractions of spacetime. If it continues to expand forever, particles will drift apart to the extent that no complex molecule can exist, leaving distances between elementary particles of light-years. Stars and galaxies do not exist forever, and eventually, there will be no new ones created. The universe will die permanently. The “Big Crunch” suggests that eventually, expansion will reverse, and the universe will collapse into a singularity, as it was just before a Big Bang, and then another Big Bang may occur. This cycle could last indefinitely.
Theory #9: We Are an Extraterrestrial Project
Extraterrestrials come from a destroyed planet. They are attempting to redesign and restore their species from life forms found on Earth millions of years ago, with humanity being just a part of that restoration plan, but we essentially occupy only a small part of their long-term, large-scale project.
Theory #10: Some Extraterrestrials Exist Solely to Gather Information
This theory suggests that the Greys (aliens) are an intelligent race created to explore science and are provided technology by a superior race. The Grey race is a part of a federation of space aliens. The Grey race is tasked with researching other primitive worlds and civilizations by abducting residents of those civilizations. They are searching for something, perhaps a specific genetic code that has yet to awaken within human bodies.