According to the Kardashev civilization scale theory, humanity is currently only at level 0.7, not even reaching the lowest level of a planet-level civilization.
In 1964, the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev proposed a method for classifying civilizations in the universe. He divided civilizations into three levels based on the energy and technology that a civilization can utilize, and later generations of scientists expanded this theory to include a fourth level.
The four levels correspond to four types of civilizations:
- Planetary civilization;
- Stellar civilization;
- Galactic civilization;
- Universal civilization.
According to Nikolai Kardashev’s theory, a level one civilization can fully control the energy and resources of the planet it inhabits.
This theory was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. It serves as a method to measure the technological level of a civilization in the universe. The measurement standard is based on the total energy that a civilization uses for interstellar communication, indicating that civilizations capable of communicating with extraterrestrial beings can be classified into the Kardashev levels. (Image: Seti).
Taking humanity as an example, if we reach the first level of civilization, we could easily harness energy from the Earth’s core for our purposes. With energy from Earth, we could easily extract and utilize it.
However, the energy currently used by humanity is primarily fossil energy sourced from the surface, which is only a tiny fraction of the Earth’s total energy. Therefore, humanity has not yet reached the first level of civilization.
Type 1 Civilization: The total energy used for interstellar communication is equivalent to the total energy radiated from the Sun to Earth, approximately 1.74 x 10^17 J/s (joules per second). By reaching this level of civilization, humanity would be able to completely control and utilize all the resources and energy of Earth and its satellites, extending its operations throughout the Solar System and being able to withstand any disasters originating from Earth. (Image: Space).
Type 2 Civilization, also known as stellar civilization, is no longer confined to their home planet; they can roam across entire star systems and fully utilize the energy of stars. This civilization can also transform planets to suit their needs, making them habitable environments.
In Kardashev’s original theory, Type 3 Civilization is the pinnacle of civilization development. This type of civilization has developed faster-than-light spacecraft, and their footprint has spread throughout the galaxy. Furthermore, they can utilize the energy of the entire galaxy.
According to relevant information, the total energy used on Earth in 2008 was 14.23 trillion kWh, approximately 1.4 x 10^16 J/s. This figure seems substantial, but it only accounts for 1/12.43 of the energy consumption required for interstellar communication at Type 1 civilization. (Image: Space).
A fourth level has since been added by astronomers to the civilization scale: Universal civilization, or it can also be called divine civilization. Divine civilizations can regard the entire universe as their home and can create artificial wormholes to travel to different corners of the universe. If multiple universes exist, they can freely move between them and master all the mysteries of the universe.
The weaponry of such civilizations may no longer be the typical gamma-ray bursts we imagine; instead, they may have the capability to alter the laws of the universe and even utilize dark matter to attack enemies.
Therefore, after calculations, scientists believe that human civilization is still at level 0.73 and it will take hundreds of years to reach Type 1 civilization, about 5,000 years to achieve the energy usage level of Type 2 civilization, while Type 3 civilization is a level of civilization currently unimaginable. Consequently, we cannot predict how many years it will take to reach that level; it is often believed that it will take at least hundreds of millions of years, or even 1 billion years. (Image: Zhihu).
Humanity’s current means of exploring the universe primarily rely on spectroscopy, which is used to analyze what substances are in certain areas and what may have occurred. If divine civilizations only use star fleets to attack one another, we would be nearly unable to observe them. Even if they destroy some planets, humanity would not be able to see it, as planets do not emit light by themselves.
However, if their battles are somewhat more intense, and they begin to attack the enemies’ homeworlds by destroying stars, humanity would only realize that a star in the Milky Way has suddenly died, which would raise our attention. If their attack area is vast and stars within hundreds of light-years suddenly disappear, humanity may conclude that something extraordinary has occurred there.
But the universe is vast; if their battles occur 50,000 light-years away, it would take us 50,000 years to discover that scenario.