Russian scientist and billionaire Igor Ashurbeyli becomes the first leader of Asgardia, the first nation in space.
The announcement of the establishment of the new state was made by Ashurbeyli during a ceremony held on June 25 in Vienna.
Asgardia has approximately 200,000 registered citizens as of now. (Illustrative image).
“We have created branches of the state; I can say that Asgardia has just been born,” the Russian billionaire stated.
Although Asgardia does not have physical territory on Earth, it currently has around 200,000 citizens who have registered to become members of this nation via the Internet and have been approved.
Asgardia possesses all the necessary elements for an operational nation: a constitution, a flag, a national anthem, and elected representatives. Its operational territory is represented by the Asgardia-1 satellite currently orbiting the Earth. Additionally, the nation is researching the use of a new cryptocurrency, SOLAR, to form its economy.
“Asgardia will develop infrastructure independent of terrestrial systems. Asgardian citizens will have mobile devices with integrated passports, credit cards, and communication smartphones,” Ashurbeyli added.