Apple Fights to Eliminate the Most Malicious Computer Virus Variants Targeting Mac Computers
Apple has issued a security advisory warning its customers about a recent scam that infects Mac computers with malware. This software deceives users into believing that their computer is infected with a virus, with the ultimate goal of stealing credit card numbers and other valuable personal information.
This marks one of the first significant campaigns by cybercriminals targeting Mac users. Until now, cybercriminals have primarily focused on creating malware for Windows computers, which account for up to 90% of user machines.
However, as the number of Mac computers increases, they have become a more attractive target for cybercriminals.
According to security software manufacturer McAfee, fake antivirus malware is downloaded when users click on links from search results. It is also spread when users click on links from malicious websites that may be embedded in emails, Tweets, or Facebook messages.
Apple has announced that it will release an update for the Mac operating system in the coming days. This update will automatically detect and remove the malicious fake antivirus software, while also warning Mac users when they attempt to download similar programs.
Additionally, Apple has provided instructions for users on how to clean their computers that have been infected with malware. The malware is known by names such as MacDefender, MacProtector, and MacSecurity.