At 4 AM this morning (November 19), the center of Typhoon No. 9 was located at approximately 18.9 degrees North Latitude; 115.0 degrees East Longitude, over the northern part of the East Sea, about 390 km northeast of the Paracel Islands. The maximum wind speed near the center of the typhoon reached level 10 (89-102 km/h), with gusts up to level 12. It is moving west at a speed of 15-20 km/h.
Path of Typhoon No. 9. (Source: nchmf).
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, in the next 24 to 72 hours, Typhoon No. 9 will continue moving southwest and will weaken further.
Specifically, by 4 AM on November 20, the typhoon will move southwest at a speed of 15-20 km/h, continuing to weaken in the western area of the northern East Sea; it will be about 200 km north-northwest of the Paracel Islands, with intensity reduced to level 8, gusting to level 10.
By 4 AM on November 21, the typhoon will continue moving southwest at a speed of about 10 km/h, gradually weakening into a tropical depression, and subsequently into an area of low pressure over the waters off the Central Coast of Vietnam.
Due to the impact of Typhoon No. 9, the northern East Sea area will experience strong winds of levels 6-7, with winds near the typhoon’s center reaching levels 8-10, gusting to level 12. Sea waves will be high, ranging from 3.0 to 5.0 meters, with waves near the typhoon’s center reaching 5.0 to 7.0 meters; the sea will be very rough.
Vessels operating in the aforementioned dangerous areas are at risk of being affected by strong winds and large waves.