Pushed to the brink, the red-tailed pit viper immediately turned around and struck directly at the mouth of the king cobra.
In the clip, a red-tailed pit viper is facing off against a king cobra. It seemed that the viper would become a meal for its opponent, but then something unexpected happened.
The red-tailed pit viper turns around to counterattack, striking the cobra.
When the red-tailed pit viper saw the king cobra right behind it, it attempted to escape due to the opponent’s significantly larger size. However, unable to move quickly enough, the viper could not escape.
After being cornered, the red-tailed pit viper turned back and counterattacked by biting directly into the mouth of the king cobra, causing the predator immense pain. Nevertheless, due to its immunity to the venom of the prey, the king cobra ultimately killed and consumed the red-tailed viper.
According to Livescience, the king cobra can grow over 7 meters long. They are distinguished by their hood, round pupils, smooth scales, and an upright posture, staring directly into a person’s eyes. During encounters, they raise one-third of their body off the ground.
Their warning hiss is similar to the growl of a dog. King cobras have long, sharp fangs, which they use to inject venom into their enemies. They possess excellent sense of smell and night vision. These creatures typically inhabit rainforests and lowland areas of tropical climates.
Individuals bitten by a king cobra can stop breathing within just 30 minutes. Their neurotoxic venom can kill an elephant. Although king cobras have the ability to spit dangerous neurotoxic venom, they typically do not actively attack humans.