Although inedible, this product provides numerous valuable benefits for the local community.
Resembling tea cakes, these items are actually made from… cow dung. Naturally, they are not intended for consumption but are sold for a different purpose.
This product is quite popular in rural areas of India, with most households capable of making them themselves.
Cow dung cakes for sale online.
Cow dung is mixed with some dry grass, then shaped into large balls and flattened. To expedite the drying process, Indians often place them on the grass behind their homes or hang them on walls. If the weather is favorable, drying takes about three days. After this, they can be used or packaged for sale. A box of cow dung cakes can be sold for about 205 Rupees (58,000 VND).
So, what exactly are “cow dung cakes” used for?
In India, “cow dung cakes” are an extremely cheap and readily available fuel source. In rural areas of India, wood and coal are not always accessible, while the mixture of dry grass and cow dung can generate high temperatures when burned, making it essential for cooking and heating.
Cow dung cakes also hold special significance in Indian culture and religion.
Additionally, this product is used as an insulating material for walls in rural homes. During the cold winter months, this method can effectively maintain indoor temperatures. In summer, dried cow dung cakes can also help repel mosquitoes.
Moreover, cow dung cakes have special significance in Indian religion and culture. In Indian culture, cows are considered sacred and revered like deities; they are totemic animals in India. Consequently, cow dung is used in various religious ceremonies, celebrations, and traditional cultural practices in certain villages across the country.
Dried cow dung cakes.
However, this multifunctional product faces several practical challenges. As India continues to urbanize, some cities have begun to restrict or ban the use of cow dung cakes as fuel due to the pollution and harmful substances produced during combustion. Additionally, some vendors use cow dung cakes to heat food, which can lead to unsanitary conditions and adversely affect health.