History has always been fascinating for the curious, as everything we have known, know, and will know is merely an incomplete puzzle of the overall picture of humanity’s past.
Recently, some discoveries seem to suggest the possibility that ancient civilizations referred to planet Earth as “home” much earlier than previously thought. Why mainstream researchers choose to “overlook” details and clues indicating the existence of civilizations that are much older than previously believed remains a puzzle for many.
“These 100,000-year-old civilizations” can be found in Africa.
Evidence of civilizations inhabiting our planet before recorded history can be found all over the world. In ancient Egypt, Mesoamerica, and Sumer, we find written texts about great civilizations of the distant past, great rulers, and an “era of prosperity” lasting thousands of years.
One of the most striking examples of these “100,000-year-old civilizations” can be found in Africa. This astonishing discovery actually took place at a site in South Africa, about 150 kilometers west of the port of Maputo. There, archaeologists uncovered the remains of an ancient metropolis, which, according to survey data, covers an area of about 1,500 square kilometers (almost equivalent to the area of Haiphong).
This ancient city is just part of a mysterious community.
According to researchers, this ancient city is merely a part of an even larger mysterious community, spanning approximately 10,000 square kilometers, believed to have been built between 160,000 and 200,000 years ago. The geology of the surrounding area is also quite unusual due to the presence of numerous gold mines nearby.
Researchers have proposed that these ruins may originate from the ancient Anunnaki civilization, which vanished in the distant past and lived and settled in this area to mine gold.
In the Amazon region, other civilizations have been discovered that may predate the Inca civilization and could potentially be their ancestors. No one could have imagined that somewhere in the remote area of the Amazon, there existed a lost civilization.
About 450 geoglyphs, mainly in simple geometric shapes – squares, circles, or polygons – have been found so far over an area of 13,000 square kilometers.
The rapid deforestation combined with Google Earth has allowed for the discovery of hundreds of geoglyphs (huge drawings on the ground) at 200 different sites, within a stretch of 250 km by 10 km in the Amazon. Similar to the Nazca Lines, these mysterious geometric designs of the Amazon can only be seen and truly appreciated from the air.
Many of the remains are clearly part of an ancient and unknown civilization, which has only recently emerged from beneath the canopies of the Amazon rainforest. Researchers speculate that these strange shapes could be ancient irrigation channels and livestock enclosures.
However, for some reason, no excavations have been conducted in the area to date, and all connections with indigenous tribes of the Americas regarding these ruins remain speculative. We still know nothing about the creators of these mysterious geoglyphs.
Additionally, a discovery near the border between Bolivia and Brazil has uncovered mysterious pyramids in the Amazon: traces of a prehistoric civilization. Some researchers believe these pyramids may have a natural pyramid shape, but many others firmly believe that these are architectural structures built in the distant past by a previously unseen civilization.
The small dots in NASA’s satellite images are suspiciously like the Paratoari pyramids.
However, it is a fact that these mysterious pyramid structures were first identified through NASA’s digital satellite image C-S11-32W071-03, published in 1976: they indicate the presence of pyramid structures within the rainforests. The Machiguenga people named the area Paratoari as their sacred site. Is this a product of nature or human creation? Is it merely a site for divine sacrifice or the dead city of the Incas?
These images have prompted many investigators to venture into the Manu region, a dense tropical rainforest in southeastern Peru, in hopes of discovering whether these architectural structures were indeed built by an ancient civilization lost in time.
While progressive researchers continue to dismiss the hypothesis that these pyramids were built by humans, others suggest that the symmetrical spacing between the pyramids and their uniform shapes indicate that they are not natural rock formations.
Much like the Paratoari pyramids, the recent debate over the Visoko Pyramids (Bosnia) has two opposing viewpoints: one side claims human construction, while the other asserts that the structures are of natural origin.
Regardless, it remains a fact that within the dense and tangled jungles of the Amazon, countless mysteries could help us understand how ancient civilizations lived in the distant past.