Year |
Invention / Discovery |
Inventor / Discoverer |
Country |
1800 |
Jacquard Loom |
Jacquard Weaving Industry |
Joseph Marie Jacquard |
France |
1800 |
Electric Pile |
Battery |
Alessandro Volta |
Italy |
1803 |
Steam Boat |
Steam-Powered Boat |
Robert Fulton |
1804 |
Helix |
Propeller |
John Stevens |
1804 |
Locomotive |
Steam Engine |
Richard Trevithick |
UK |
1805 |
Metal Plating |
Luigi Gasparo Brugnatelli |
Italy |
1810 |
Food Preservation |
Food Preservation Techniques |
Nicolas Appert |
France |
1810 |
Steam Press |
Frederick König |
Germany |
1810 |
Linen Spinning Machine |
Hemp Spinning Machine |
Philippe de Girard |
France |
1814 |
Locomotive |
Steam Locomotive |
George Stephenson |
UK |
1815 |
Safety Lamp |
Safety Lamp for Mining |
Humphry Davy |
1815 |
Stethoscope |
Stethoscope |
René Laennec |
France |
1816 |
Photography |
Photography |
Nicéphore Niépce |
1816 |
Bicycle |
Bicycle |
Karl von Sauerbronn |
1819 |
Stethoscope |
Stethoscope |
Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec |
France |
Year |
Instrument |
Inventor |
Country |
1820 | Hygrometer | John Frederic Daniell | UK |
1820 | Galvanometer | Johann Salomo Christoph Schweigger | Germany |
1821 | Step Lens | Augustin Fresnel | France |
1821 | Electric Motor | Michael Faraday | UK |
1823 | Electromagnet | William Sturgeon | UK |
1825 | Railway |
This structured table format is SEO-friendly and easy to read for an English-speaking audience. Each entry highlights the year, the instrument or invention, the inventor’s name, and their country, allowing for a clear understanding of the historical context.
1837 |
Electric Telegraph |
Telegraph |
William Fothergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone |
UK |
1838 |
Morse Code |
Morse Code System |
Samuel Finley Breese Morse |
1838 |
Daguerreotype |
Daguerreotype Camera |
Jacques Daguerre |
1839 |
Calotype Process (Photography) |
Paper for each exposure |
William Henry Fox Talbot |
1839 |
Vulcanized Rubber |
Cured Rubber |
Charles Goodyear |
1840 |
Reinforced Concrete
Concrete Casting
Joseph Monier
Safety Pin
Safety Pin
Walter Hunt