– Girlfriend’s Dad: What are you doing at my house?
– Young Man: I want to prove my love, that I would “cross any river, overcome any mountain” for her.
– Girlfriend’s Dad: Well, tonight I’ll let you sleep with my daughter and see if you can pass this test. But there’s a condition: you must place a pillow between the two of you!
– Young Man: That’s easy…(I’ve got this for sure) hee hee hee
– Girlfriend’s Dad: Yeah, it’s very easy…
So that night, the girlfriend’s dad placed the pillow in between them, and the next morning nothing happened between those two!
– Girlfriend’s Dad: Not bad, but that’s exactly why I won’t let you marry my daughter!
– Young Man: Why is that?…..
– Girlfriend’s Dad: You said you would “cross any river, overcome any mountain”?
– Young Man: Yes, I did!
– Girlfriend’s Dad: Then why couldn’t you even get past the “pillow”??
– Young Man: Well…???
This article was sent by Nguyễn Minh Trí to Khoa Học
Email: [email protected]