The Nura and the Python are two creatures that look quite similar, both belonging to the python family, making it difficult for people to distinguish between them. The most significant difference between the two is that the Nura possesses a toxin that can be lethal, leading to numerous unfortunate incidents in Vietnam due to confusion between the two animals.
Many of you are likely familiar with the concept of a python. However, when it comes to the Nura, many may feel unfamiliar. The Nura with Nine Nostrils, also known as the Butterfly Snake, has the scientific name Daboia russelii and is often referred to colloquially as the Nine-Nostriled Snake. The Nura is a reptile species within the snake family, resembling a python in size and shape. However, compared to other snakes and pythons, its venom is significantly stronger, potentially fatal.
It is called the Nura with Nine Nostrils because it has nine nostrils—specifically, two main nostrils and seven secondary ones. This species typically has two long whiskers that contain a thick, opaque white fluid. This fluid is a type of venom from the Nura with Nine Nostrils, somewhat similar to toad venom. This toxin serves to protect the Nura when it is attacked and while hunting.
Specifically, the most distinct physical characteristic differentiating these two species is that pythons have two nostrils while the Nura has nine nostrils. (Photo:
The head of a python typically rests close to the ground, whereas the head of a Nura raises itself while slithering, filled with venomous fangs like those of a snake. At night, the Nura breathes heavily, exhaling very toxic gas, especially harmful to children.
The Nura emits a foul odor reminiscent of decaying flesh, recognizable from several meters away. The venom of the Nura is extremely dangerous. There are reports suggesting that the only way to treat a bite is to prepare an antidote from the Nura’s skin. However, this information has not been thoroughly verified.
This venomous snake belongs to the genus Daboia and originates from India. It is known to be part of a group of four highly venomous snakes in India, which includes the Indian Cobra, the Indian Krait, the Nura, and the Green Pit Viper. They are found throughout Asia, primarily in Southeast Asia, southern China, and Taiwan.
The Nura typically resides in tree hollows in humid forest areas. In contrast, pythons often live in rock crevices or dig burrows for shelter. The secretions and bile of pythons are non-toxic, but the secretions and bile of the Nura should never be consumed. A person bitten by a Nura, if not treated, will experience swelling and infection.
There have been reported cases of severe poisoning and death after consuming Nura meat.
Consuming Nura meat can lead to seizures, arrhythmias, muscle pain, vomiting, and in severe cases, kidney failure, posing a risk to life.
<pIndividuals who mistakenly consume Nura meat often experience poisoning with symptoms such as high fever, chills, sweating after fever episodes, accompanied by vomiting, headaches, dizziness, digestive disturbances, and liver damage… In severe cases, poisoning can be fatal; those with mild poisoning still require emergency medical attention and prolonged treatment.
<pThere have been cases in our country where individuals suffered severe poisoning and even died after eating Nura meat. Most recently, a family of five in Gia Lai and seven others had to be hospitalized for monitoring due to symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, and muscle aches after consuming this species.
The Nura with Nine Nostrils is considered an extremely venomous species. Its venom is not only found in its fangs but also on its whiskers and internal organs. The toxin from the Nura can cause the victim to bleed and stop the function of the pituitary gland, leading to death.
Additionally, this venom can cause the victim’s chest to collapse, hair loss in various body parts, and muscle atrophy, resulting in the victim appearing as a child before puberty. Most individuals bitten by a Nura die, while a few survivors suffer lasting effects that alter their bodies as described.