The world’s first nuclear power plant was established in the UK; however, it is worth noting that the nuclear reaction-based power generation system was built by the Russians back in 1954. Even these two reactors are not the oldest nuclear reactors on Earth.
In June 1972, uranium ore from Oklo was transported to a plant in France. After conducting tests, French scientists discovered that the concentration of uranium-235 (a type of fuel for nuclear reactors) in the ore from Oklo was very low, even less than 0.3%. In contrast, the uranium-235 content in regular uranium ore is around 0.711%. This strange phenomenon piqued the interest of French scientists, who employed various methods to investigate why the uranium-235 content in the ore from Oklo was so low.
Prehistoric nuclear reactor found in Oklo.
After a period of research and discussion, scientists were astonished to discover that the reason for the low concentration of uranium-235 in the ore at Oklo was that it had been burned, meaning it had been used up. This discovery sent shockwaves through the scientific community at the time, leading many to travel to Oklo in search of the truth.
After extensive investigation, scientists confirmed that there is an ancient nuclear reactor at Oklo.
This nuclear reactor consists of 16 areas with approximately 500 tons of uranium ore. According to scientists’ research, the uranium deposit at Oklo was formed around 2 billion years ago. This ancient nuclear reactor began “operating” roughly 500,000 years ago.
With a well-preserved reactor, scientifically designed, and a lifespan of 2 billion years, scientists are extremely puzzled. Who designed and built this reactor? This question still presents a challenging puzzle for the scientific community today.
Most scientists agree that this is a natural nuclear reactor.
Regarding this issue, scientists suggest there are two possibilities.
The first possibility is that this nuclear reactor formed naturally. Some people argue that significant geological changes caused the original uranium deposits in the area to come into contact with groundwater, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction. Therefore, this nuclear reactor may have formed indirectly, which also explains the reduced uranium content at Oklo.
Additionally, scientists have found that the uranium content in the Orok nuclear reactor is significantly higher than expected. According to relevant data, the uranium contained in the Orok nuclear reactor reaches up to 500 tons, or even more.
However, many argue that it cannot be a product of nature. They believe that nature could not meet the extremely strict technical conditions necessary for chain reactions in nuclear power generation.
The second possibility is that the nuclear reactor did not form naturally. This is because two prerequisites are necessary to build a nuclear reactor: first, a high concentration of uranium-235, and second, the need for neutron moderators to prevent an explosion during the nuclear reaction. The neutron moderator needs to be regulated by an expert at an exact ratio. Thus, the second possibility has more basis than the first, but doubts remain about why a nuclear reactor would be built 2 billion years ago.
According to modern knowledge, 2 billion years ago, Earth was inhabited only by algae, and humans had not yet appeared. It was not until the early Quaternary Period, around 3 million years ago, that the first hominids emerged. Therefore, it can be asserted that the nuclear reactor at Oklo is absolutely not a product of humanity. If we follow this line of reasoning, could this be evidence of extraterrestrial beings? Or is it a masterpiece of an ancient civilization that humanity has never known?
Many scientists propose a rather “romantic” hypothesis that, 2 billion years ago, extraterrestrials used a spacecraft powered by atomic engines to come to Earth. These extraterrestrials built a nuclear reactor at Oklo to provide energy for their activities on Earth, before leaving the planet and leaving behind the ancient nuclear reactor at Oklo.
Others believe that this is not a product of extraterrestrials but rather a masterpiece of ancient civilizations that humanity has never known. According to them, 2 billion years ago, human society had developed to a very high level. However, due to constant competition and hostility, a nuclear war broke out. Humanity was destroyed but left behind very small traces, and the nuclear reactor at Oklo is one of those traces. In addition to these bold hypotheses, science also provides other explanations.