Guava leaves are a type of plant leaf very familiar to the people of Vietnam. They can be found in many places due to the guava tree’s resilience and adaptability, especially in rural areas.
Benefits of Young Guava Leaves
Guava leaves (GL) are a rich source of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds beneficial for health. They contain 82.47% moisture, 3.64% ash, 0.62% fat, 18.53% protein, 12.74% carbohydrates, 103 mg of ascorbic acid, and 1717 mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g of total phenolic compounds.
Additionally, guava leaves are rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iron, boron, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, and B vitamins.
Below are some benefits of guava leaves based on scientific research:
1. Guava Leaves Treat Diarrhea
Guava leaves possess strong antibacterial properties, with tannins and essential oils being very effective in treating diarrhea caused by Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria. Moreover, flavonoids like quercetin found in guava leaf extracts have antibacterial properties that contribute to its powerful anti-diarrheal effects. Quercetin helps relax the intestinal lining and prevents intestinal contractions.
In traditional remedies for diarrhea, young guava leaves, also known as guava buds, are often used. They can be consumed directly or brewed as a tea.
Some Remedies for Diarrhea Using Guava Leaves
- Guava Leaves for Acute Diarrhea: Prepare 20g of guava buds, 12g of linden buds, 12g of tea buds, 12g of fresh ginger, 20g of banana flower, and 12g of old betel nut, then boil and drink 2-3 times a day.
- Diarrhea due to Cold: Prepare 12g of guava buds, roast 8g of fresh ginger until charred, then boil with 500ml of water until it reduces to about 200ml, and drink twice a day.
- Diarrhea due to Weak Spleen and Stomach: Take 20g of guava leaves or young guava buds, 10g of roasted fresh ginger, and 40g of dried mugwort, boil with 3 bowls of clean water until reduced to about 1 bowl, and divide into daily doses.
Young guava leaves and buds are widely used in remedies for diarrhea. (Image: ST).
2. May Help Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
According to Healthline, extracts from guava leaves may help improve and control blood sugar levels as well as insulin resistance over the long term. Various secondary metabolites, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, sesquiterpenes, glycosides, alkaloids, and saponins, are biologically significant in lowering blood sugar levels.
The flavonoids guaijaverin and avicularin from guava leaf extracts are also associated with significant improvements in the function of β cells in the pancreas (cells playing a crucial role in insulin production related to type 2 diabetes).
Notably, the blood sugar-lowering effect after meals can last up to 2 hours, with blood sugar levels dropping by more than 10%.
Additionally, this extract is highly effective for those with high blood cholesterol levels. Studies confirm that guava leaves are non-toxic, non-mutagenic, and do not have abnormal interactions with diabetes and lipid-lowering medications.
Guava Leaf Remedy for Diabetics: Take 15-30g of dried guava leaves and brew daily.
3. Enhances Cardiovascular Health
The antioxidant content along with vitamin C, potassium, and soluble fiber in guava leaves can help protect cardiovascular health from damage caused by free radicals while maintaining blood vessel health. Vitamin B in guava leaves plays an important role in improving blood circulation, relaxing nerves, and enhancing cognitive function.
Furthermore, guava leaf extracts have been linked to reducing blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, and increasing good cholesterol.
4. Reduces Menstrual Cramps
Many women experience painful premenstrual syndrome. According to Healthline, extracts from guava leaves may help reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps.
5. May Have Anti-Cancer Effects
Guava leaf extracts have been shown to exhibit anti-cancer effects in laboratory and animal studies, specifically by preventing and even inhibiting the growth of certain cancer cells. Research indicates that guava leaves may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer.
Guava leaves are a natural ingredient with significant health benefits. Incorporating guava leaves into your diet and daily health regimen can provide numerous advantages for both body and mind. However, before using guava leaves for treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor or healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness.
This is due to the high content of antioxidants such as quercetin, lycopene, and vitamin C that help prevent free radicals from damaging cells – one of the main causes of cancer. Additionally, according to the NIH, compounds like Psiguadial D, psiguadial C, vitamin E, flavonoids (apigenin), and β-caryophyllene found in guava leaves also act as inhibitors of liver cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and colorectal cancer by modulating the immune system, blocking signaling pathways, and the adhesion of tumor cells while hindering tumor angiogenesis and cell proliferation.
Guava leaf extracts have been shown to have anti-cancer effects in laboratory and animal studies. (Image: ST).
However, these results are not sufficient to conclude that guava leaf extracts can cure cancer in humans; more research and in-depth conclusions are needed before making an official declaration.
6. Boosts Immune Function
Low vitamin C levels are closely related to the risk of infections and diseases. According to the NIH, guava leaves can be used to make tea to soothe throat inflammation or irritation and reduce coughing.
The presence of polyphenolic compounds as well as ferulic, caffeic, and gallic acids in guava leaves, known as secondary metabolites with strong antioxidant and immune-stimulating activities, makes guava leaves beneficial in various health supplements.
Guava leaves also contain compounds that prevent the release of histamine – the cause of allergic reactions. Using guava leaves is very safe for individuals of all ages and typically has no side effects.
7. May Help Treat Acne
Guava leaf extracts can help treat acne by eliminating acne-causing bacteria (P. Acne) due to their strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For new acne spots, you can crush young guava leaves and apply them to the affected skin area.
While guava leaves have many health benefits, if you have eczema issues, guava leaf extracts may contain chemicals that can irritate the skin. Additionally, it is advisable not to consume excessive amounts of guava leaf tea, as it may lead to unwanted side effects.
The remedies mentioned above are for reference only; if you are undergoing treatment for a condition, do not replace prescribed treatments with guava leaves.
8. Supports Oral Health
Guava leaves have strong antibacterial properties, helping to treat oral issues such as gum inflammation, gingivitis, and bad breath. According to folklore, chewing guava leaves or rinsing with guava leaf water can help reduce pain and inflammation while keeping breath fresh.