Like a miniature lion, the hunting journey of this cat species is imbued with the instincts of a true predator.
It is often said that cats are little tigers—meaning they are scaled-down versions of tigers. This implies that despite their smaller size, cats still carry the instincts of a true predator that should not be underestimated.
Rusty-spotted Cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus).
A recent video provided by the BBC illustrates this point. Specifically, the footage is part of a new BBC program about the “giant cats” of Earth (referring to large members of the cat family). However, it also features one of the rarest cat species in the world: the rusty-spotted cat—a the smallest cat species in the world today.
Rusty-spotted Cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) inhabits Sri Lanka and India. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary tabby cat, but it is significantly smaller. An adult rusty-spotted cat weighs only about 1 kg and can even fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.
They measure between 35 to 48 cm in length and weigh approximately 0.9 to 1.6 kg. Their short fur is gray with rusty spots on their back and sides. In contrast, their underbelly is white with larger dark spots.
With their small size, they can easily hide anywhere, even under a leaf. Rusty-spotted cats are generally solitary and do not form packs.
Nevertheless, they are very active and playful. Although they are wild cats, there have been reports of people keeping them as pets and showing deep affection towards them.
The eyes of the rusty-spotted cat have nearly six times the visual acuity of human eyes. This advantage allows them to spot prey in a short time and helps them explore the expansive world around them.
They typically live in both wet and dry forests, but can also survive in dense jungles and grasslands. Even rocky areas do not pose a challenge to their survival skills.
An adult cat weighing approximately 1kg.
In terms of size, the rusty-spotted cat is about 1/200th the size of a lion. However, hidden within them is a pioneering and hunting instinct that rivals that of their larger relatives.
It is known that to capture this footage, the BBC reporting team spent over two years traveling through 14 countries.
Ready to step into the water…
In addition to the rusty-spotted cat, they also filmed 31 other cat species. Among these, there are clips revealing the “private lives” of some rare cat species, such as the Canada Lynx and the Snow Leopard.
Rusty-spotted Cat (scientific name: Prionailurus rubiginosus) is a species belonging to the Felinae subfamily, and is the smallest member of the cat family. They inhabit India and Sri Lanka, and are currently listed as “vulnerable” on the Red List. Currently, the population of rusty-spotted cats is around 10,000 individuals, with no population exceeding 1,000 adults. Rusty-spotted cats measure 35 to 48 cm in length, with tails ranging from 15 to 30 cm. They have a very small weight, only 0.9 to 1.6 kg. In terms of appearance, rusty-spotted cats have short fur, a gray body with spots on the back and sides, similar to tabby cats. Their darker tails are thick and about half the length of their body. |
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