New Research Warns Earth May Have Exceeded 7 out of 9 Safe Boundaries. Among these, ocean acidification is nearing a critical threshold, threatening marine ecosystems and the viability of life worldwide.
According to scientists compiling the latest report on the state of the Earth’s life support systems, the planet has reached the 7th boundary out of a total of 9 planetary boundaries—the limits within which global systems must operate to ensure Earth remains a safe habitat for humanity.
Specifically, the team warns that the boundary concerning ocean acidification is approaching a critical threshold (or may have already surpassed it). Here, ocean acidification is nearing a crucial level, affecting global systems, especially in higher latitude regions, particularly in the Arctic and Southern Ocean.
Ocean acidification is worsening – (Image: Getty Images).
According to the Guardian, there are 9 systems and processes (collectively referred to as planetary boundaries) that contribute to the stability of life support functions on our planet.
A report from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany indicates that 7 boundaries (including climate change, ocean acidification, biosphere integrity, biogeochemical flows, land system change, freshwater use, and synthetic chemicals) are all in a deteriorating state.
Only the boundary concerning stratospheric ozone depletion remains stable, while the boundary regarding aerosol concentrations in the atmosphere shows slight improvement.
The research team stated that there are two reasons why ocean acidification is particularly concerning, including the acidification levels approaching or surpassing safe limits and the actual impact of acidification on marine biodiversity.
Ocean acidification is the phenomenon where seawater becomes more acidic (lower pH) due to the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere. This process not only harms marine organisms, potentially disrupting food chains, but also reduces the ocean’s effectiveness as a crucial carbon sink.
“This illustrates the connection between ocean acidification and biosphere integrity. One of the key messages in our report is that all 9 planetary boundaries are closely interlinked.” said Dr. Levke Caesar, co-author of the report.
This means that any human impact on the global environment that we observe today cannot be addressed as isolated issues. Crossing any one of these 9 boundaries poses a risk to the stability, resilience, and livability of the planet.
The research team noted that this year’s report on “planetary health” is not published in an academic journal as in previous years but is written and formatted for easier public accessibility.