Tulip flowers symbolize fame, wealth, and perfect love. Perhaps because they bloom in spring, when the darkness of winter days has faded away, Tulips also become a symbol of eternal life.
When one sees Tulip flowers anywhere, they often think of the beautiful Netherlands, as Tulips are one of the characteristic symbols of the country. However, few of us know the true origin of this flower.
Carolus Clusius, a renowned botanist from the botanical garden in Leiden (Netherlands), is credited with introducing Tulips to the Netherlands in 1593. He would not have accomplished this without the help of a close friend – Flemish De Busbecq.
During his time as an ambassador in Constantinople (Turkey), Flemish De Busbecq was captivated by a beautiful flower grown in the palace gardens, namely the Tulip (also known as the diamond flower). He sent a few bulbs back to Clusius to plant them in the Leiden garden.
Tulip flowers, also known as diamond flowers.
The stories about this special flower spread quickly. Captivated by its beauty, wealthy Dutch individuals invested large sums of money in Tulip bulb trading.
Tulips became incredibly expensive and were once likened to a gold rush, similar to the internet boom in the 1990s. From then on, Tulips became one of the Netherlands’ main export products, with most being sent to markets in the United States, Germany, and Japan, while billions of bulbs remained in the Netherlands.
The name “Tulip” comes from the Persian word for turban, as it resembles the shape of the headwear worn by many people in the Middle East. The Latin translation of the turban is “Tulipa.”
Tulips are quite ordinary, neither overly luxurious nor too romantic like some other flowers… they always maintain a moderate appeal – warm and cozy.
Bright yellow Tulip flowers like sunlight.
Tulips come in a wide variety of colors, and their meanings largely symbolize declarations of perfect love:
- Red Tulip: love and romance – “believe me.”
- Yellow Tulip: bright as sunshine – “there’s sunshine in your smile.”
- Cream Tulip: I will love you forever – “I will love you forever.”
- White Tulip: paradise, freshness, and purity.
- Purple Tulip: royalty and wealth.
- Pink Tulip: affection and care.
- Orange Tulip: full of energy, enthusiasm, desire, and passion.
- Speckled Tulip: you have beautiful eyes – “You have beautiful eyes.”
- Blue Tulip: tranquility and peace.
The variety of colors in Tulips allows them to be used for many different occasions. As one of the most beloved flowers in the world, Tulips always embody passion and charm in their beauty and simplicity.
Legend of the Tulip: The Failed Escape
Once, while delivering food to her father, Tulip, the youngest daughter of a shepherd, was kidnapped by a cruel landlord who forced her to become a carpet weaver for him. Day after day, she was locked in a dark room, never seeing a ray of sunlight.
Red Tulip flowers represent love and romance.
The dark and despairing summer passed. Then the sad autumn and the cold winter ended. When spring arrived, memories of her parents, her garden, and the mountains tormented Tulip incessantly, leading her to a decision: either die or return to freedom.
One day, her escape plan was supported by some other girls in the same predicament. Climbing through a window, with countless cuts from broken glass, Tulip ran toward the mountains with bleeding feet.
However, the cruel landlord’s horse was relentlessly pursuing her, preventing her escape. Refusing to be captured again, exhausted, Tulip closed her eyes and threw herself at the horse’s feet. The animal broke its leg, the landlord was injured, and she was left bloodied. Tulip managed to stand but had no strength left. She staggered a few steps before collapsing into the snow.
The next morning, from the spot where Tulip lay, a strange sight appeared: on the cold white snow bloomed countless vibrant red flowers. And thus, the flower named Tulip was born, adding enchanting beauty to the world.