The rich world of birds with beautiful crests, where each species symbolizes beauty and diversity in nature.
Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria) is a large pigeon species, featuring a stunning lace-like crest on its head, a chestnut-colored breast, and red eyes. The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is listed on the Red List of threatened species.
Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), also known as the Black-crowned Bulbul, is a common species in tropical regions of Asia. The highlight is its black crest on the head, accompanied by two red spots under the crest and two white spots near the ears. They inhabit small forests and areas with dense bushes and agricultural land, with a lifespan of about 11 years.
Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a bird known for its beautiful plumage and especially the high crest on its head. Common in Africa, Asia, and Europe, they are also widely found in Vietnam. The habitat of the Eurasian Hoopoe requires open, loose areas and cavities in rocks, soil, and trees. They often sunbathe with their wings spread, head tilted up, and tails lowered.
Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) is a unique bird species that only lives in the forests of New Caledonia, and it is the only remaining species in the genus Rhynochetos. Kagu has gray-blue or ash-gray-white plumage, with a bright red bill and legs. The high crest of this bird is used to threaten other birds that invade its territory.
Yellow Crested Cockatoo (Melanochlora sultanea), is a characteristic forest bird of Asia, distinguished by its bright black and yellow plumage. This species is widely distributed in India, China, and Southeast Asia. They usually operate at altitudes below 1,200 meters, adapting to various habitats.
Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius), also known as the Double-wattled Cassowary, is a large running bird belonging to the Australian cassowary family. With its striking glossy black plumage, the Southern Cassowary has a long neck and face that is bright blue. It features a high, horn-like structure that is neither feather nor flesh, similar to that of hoofed animals.
Crested Serpent Eagle (Aviceda leuphotes) is a small predatory bird often found in the forests of Northeast India, the eastern Himalayas, China, and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. Adult birds have black heads, necks, backs, and tails, with prominent white streaks on their chests and underparts. They primarily prey on large insects, as well as lizards, tree frogs, bats, and small birds.
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus coronatus) is found from Mexico through Central America and in every South American country except Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. They forage at low heights and typically hunt alone or occasionally in pairs. The Amazonian Royal Flycatcher has a beautifully fanned crest.
Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) is a bird with stunning plumage. They typically inhabit wetlands, lakes in Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa, as well as the dry savannas south of the Sahara Desert in Africa. The highlight is its yellow crest that resembles a crown, along with a puff of black feathers on its forehead. During the day, they focus on foraging, while at night they rest in trees.
Leadbeater’s Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri), also known as the Long-tailed Cockatoo or Pink Cockatoo, primarily lives in the arid inland regions of Australia. The plumage of the Leadbeater’s Cockatoo is a harmonious blend of white and pale pink on the neck and belly. The highlight is its long crest that fans out on top of its head with three colors: red, yellow, and white, making it one of the most beautiful species among crested parrots.