A group of chacma baboons cleverly planned and executed an impressive egg theft from geese in Kruger National Park.
Chacma baboons stealing goose eggs. (Video: Latest Sightings).
A group of chacma baboons carried out the egg theft from the geese, which was captured by Eddy Muggen, a tourist, at Sweni Hide – a wildlife observation point in Kruger National Park.
A chacma baboon snatched several eggs from the nest. The geese honked loudly, flapping their wings, trying to chase off the intruder, but to no avail.
While the flock of geese was distracted by one baboon stealing their eggs, another took the opportunity to sneak into the nest and steal more eggs.
In a moment, the baboons retreated while the mother goose chased closely, but could do nothing to reclaim her eggs.
The chacma baboons quickly retreated to a safe distance to enjoy their spoils.
Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) belong to the Cercopithecidae family and the primate order. They are diurnal and terrestrial, but they sleep in trees at night. Chacma baboons are omnivorous, feeding on fruits, shoots, roots, grasses, vegetables, seeds, tubers, leaves, grains, insects, and small mammals. They can eat nearly anything available and can inhabit areas with limited resources or harsh conditions.