There are still many things the public remains unaware of, as the U.S. government has never disclosed these secrets, even after they have been declassified. Let’s take a look at some secrets that officials in the country have tried to keep hidden.
Project Ice Worm
Project Ice Worm aimed to construct 2,500 miles of tunnels beneath the ice in Greenland. During the Cold War, the U.S. planned to build a network of missiles under the ice to counter the Soviet Union. This project was not disclosed to the public, but a cover project codenamed “Camp Century” was revealed in 1960.
The CIA has declassified many top-secret documents. Source: Historyofyesterday
Camp Century served as a cover to research the feasibility of missile operations beneath the ice. In 1966, this project had to be canceled due to climate change causing melting ice.
Project MK-Ultra
MK-Ultra was the codename for an illegal human subject investigation program planned by the U.S. Focal Intelligence Agency. This extremely secretive project was initiated during World War II, aiming to develop drugs and various methods for brainwashing interrogated subjects. Many experiments under this project were conducted on unwitting participants who were Canadian and American citizens.
Project MK-Ultra employed various methods to control subjects, brain functions, and mental states. In addition to torture, they used stimulants, various chemicals, and electric shocks. Hypnosis was also utilized. Furthermore, the project employed perceptual isolation, which included eliminating stimuli from one or more senses. These experiments have been declared inhumane, illegal, and led to international controversy.
The Achievements of Julia Child
Julia Child was a woman who, during World War II, was rejected by the military due to her height. However, she was hired as a research assistant in a secret intelligence department. Julia was tasked with typing addresses and names of government operators. She was continually promoted and moved from one department to another, taking on various responsibilities.
America’s secret nuclear tunnels. Source: Historyofyesterday
Today, Julia Child is widely known for her television shows and intelligence, but few know that this woman worked as a spy. After Julia passed away, her espionage activities were revealed. It was recently discovered that she had developed an effective anti-shark drug for sailors.
The Mystery of Area 51
Located in the Nevada test and training range, Area 51 is rumored to be a territory of extraterrestrials. This mysterious area is believed to be the birthplace of little green men and their spacecraft.
According to government sources, this top-secret base in Nevada is not an extraterrestrial laboratory but rather a military innovation site. Due to its secretive nature, Area 51 has become the focus of conspiracy theories, suggesting that it is where energy weapon technology, weather control, and time travel are developed.
Plans to Build a Base on the Moon
Since ancient times, humans have strived to explore other planets and find ways to inhabit them. Colonizing other planets is a story full of curiosity and intrigue. Space, the Galaxy, the Moon, and other planets have always captured human attention, which is why humanity has always sought to conquer the universe.
Area 51 – America’s top-secret military base; Source:
In 1960, the U.S. government planned to establish a base on the Moon. They researched all the details and potential conditions necessary for constructing a base there. Their studies included the equipment and materials required to realize this idea. Boeing was one of the contractors supporting the Moon base project.
Using Cats as Spies
Humans have utilized animals for various purposes. However, the CIA had a peculiar use for cats, training them for espionage activities. In 1983, declassified documents revealed that the U.S. experimented with the idea of training cats as spies by implanting recording devices in their bodies and allowing them to roam freely near the Soviet embassy. The program was discontinued after millions of dollars were invested without meeting the CIA’s eavesdropping needs.
The U.S. Aware of Sputnik
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched a satellite into space, shocking the U.S. government. This was a significant achievement for the Soviets and marked the beginning of the space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The Soviets later sent Yuri Gagarin into space, who became the first person to orbit the Earth. The public was unaware of the Soviet ambitions in space, but the CIA was fully aware of the Soviets’ intentions and was familiar with Sputnik.