In a world filled with strange and mysterious phenomena, modern technology has allowed us to capture events that one would be lucky to witness in a lifetime.
A miraculous scene occurs when river water floods into the forest and freezes.
An unbelievable moment at a railway crossing with a runway in New Zealand.
This is a snake with one head and three functioning eyes.
The square wave phenomenon appears very miraculous but is actually quite dangerous. These waves, which only appear for a few minutes, can drown even a skilled swimmer.
These are very strange eggs of the Australian ghost shark.
A tiny tree growing in the crack of a sidewalk.
A mushroom growing on another mushroom.
An egg inside another egg.
This bonsai apple tree has produced a normally sized fruit.
A giant wolf-dog hybrid.
While it is quite common for mistletoe to grow on trees, a tree growing on top of another tree as shown here is very rare.
Normally, creatures found in amber are terrestrial in origin, but in 2019, some marine creatures were actually found in amber.