A top-secret underwater prototype weapon from the United States, named “Manta Ray,” has been spotted by sharp-eyed Google Maps users and is still visible online.
According to the NY Post, satellite images show a ship resembling something out of the movie Star Wars docking at Port Hueneme Naval Base in California, which went viral on Sunday (June 23). The ship’s shape is distinctly different from other vessels nearby.
The unmanned vessel is named after a marine creature due to its design and capability to anchor deep underwater while operating in low-power mode.
Manta Ray, developed by Northrop Grumman as part of the U.S. Navy’s project to develop long-range underwater weapons, is an advanced unmanned underwater vehicle capable of lying dormant on the ocean floor for extended periods without needing to refuel.
Top-secret weapon spotted by Google Maps users.
Dr. Kyle Woerner, director of the Manta Ray program at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, stated in a press release that Manta Ray employs a buoyancy-based gliding mechanism, making it efficient for underwater movement. He added that the vessel is designed with multiple cargo compartments of various sizes to carry out a range of naval missions.
The Telegraph reported that the U.S. Navy has spent over three months testing the vessel off the coast of Southern California.
Manta Ray uses a buoyancy-based gliding mechanism for efficient underwater movement (Photo: Northrop Grumman).