Microsoft’s popular spreadsheet program is undergoing a “revamp” thanks to American company Jotspot, enabling users to share and edit information in Excel files directly on the web.
Initially created to assist with simple calculations, Excel is now used for a myriad of purposes, from organizing work schedules and storing employee personal information to facilitating family meeting plans. However, users often share files via email, making it challenging to consolidate all the differing details into a single comprehensive document.
With Jotspot Tracker, users can log into the website and collaborate on a shared Excel spreadsheet. Jotspot’s CEO, Joe Kraus, stated that the new program allows multiple users to edit data in an interactive spreadsheet simultaneously. He describes this as a wiki application for companies. The term “wiki” is now broadly used to refer to websites that users can access and modify information on.
“We do not intend to replace Excel; we simply want to eliminate certain barriers to improve teamwork, as Excel is currently designed for individual use,” Kraus explained.
Jotspot Tracker launched its Beta version yesterday, with version 1.0 expected to roll out in the next three months at a projected price of $9.95 per month.