There was a clever man known for his storytelling, so skilled that many people were aware of his tricks yet still fell for them. Thanks to this talent, he became famous throughout the region. Rumors of his abilities reached the ears of a local official. The official summoned him to the government office and pointed to a pile of money and a rattan whip on the table:
– I have heard that you are quite the master of deception, and many have been fooled by your tales. Now, if you can tell me a story that can trick me, I will reward you with thirty taels of silver. However, if you cannot fool me, you will receive thirty lashes with that rattan whip!
The man scratched his head and replied:
– Your Excellency, may the heavens bear witness! I am unjustly accused. I would never dare to fabricate a story! In fact, my ancestor once traveled to China and brought back a book filled with strange tales. I found them fascinating and shared them, but no one believed me, insisting that I was making things up.
This remark piqued the official’s curiosity, and he responded:
– Is that so? Then could you lend me that book to see?
– A hundred bows to Your Excellency, please forgive me… I do not have that book. I made that up!