Despite being severely injured by a buffalo, the lion refuses to give up, continuing to leap up and pounce on its prey from behind.
A more than 2-minute clip captures the terrifying battle between a buffalo and a male lion at the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.
Terrifying battle between a buffalo and a male lion.
The male lion appears to be old and has not been able to find food for several days. Therefore, it attempts to use its remaining strength to hunt a mature buffalo.
However, this decision leaves the lion not only unable to take down its prey but also vulnerable to several deadly blows from the buffalo’s sharp horns, resulting in severe injuries and leaving it struggling on the ground.
Nevertheless, the lion does not give up. As the buffalo prepares to leave, the lion lunges again and tries to seize the prey from behind. As a result, the lion suffers even more counter-attacks from its adversary.
In response to the lion’s persistence, another buffalo from the herd charges in and delivers a lethal blow to the lion. This attack leaves it gasping for breath, waiting for its end.
Source: Shenton Safaris