Currently, it is estimated that there are only about 4,500 tigers left in Asia and some regions of the Middle East. With their distinctive fur and sharp teeth, they are skilled predators in the wild.
A tiger in India marking its territory by leaving scent on a tree. This signals to other animals that the area is claimed. (Photo: Amartya Mukherjee).
The photo was taken in 2023 in India on a summer afternoon. At this moment, the tiger is soaking in cool water to relieve the heat. (Photo: Saurabh Dhanorkar).
At the Tiger Canyon reserve in South Africa, a tiger is freely wandering around in search of food. (Photo: Elize Labuschagne).
Tigers are primarily nocturnal. The stripes on their bodies help them camouflage, avoiding detection by prey. (Photo: Sanjay Shukla).
A one-year-old tiger sitting in the shade. It seems to be waiting for its mother to return. (Photo: Rahul Sanap).
In the morning in India, a mother tiger and three cubs are enjoying the early sunshine. The tiger family seems to be cherishing their warm time together. (Photo: Akash Akinwar).
In the winter chill of 2017 in China, two tigers are playfully frolicking in the snow. (Photo: Jiangchuan Tong).
A tiger resting peacefully in the freezing winter of 2020 at the Kabini Tiger Reserve in India. (Photo: Narayanan Iyer).
Tigers have about 30 teeth, with some being longer than 7 cm. (Photo: Sampo Massala).
Two tiger cubs practicing their fighting and hunting techniques while splashing in the water. This incredible moment was captured at a zoo just outside Madrid, Spain. (Photo: Pedro Jarque Krebs).
This is one of the very rare white tigers. It is known that only 1 in 10,000 tigers born in the wild carry this mutation gene. The tiger in the picture lives at Cougar Mountain Zoo in Washington, USA. (Photo: Maia Aikens).
Looking into its eyes, it seems this tiger prefers to be alone. It is drinking cool water from a puddle. Don’t disturb it, or you might face the consequences. (Photo: Michael Watts).
A tiger can consume more than 36 kg of meat in one meal. (Photo: Nick Dale).
A tiger cub leaning against its mother to show affection. (Photo: Narayanan Iyer).